Premier hails innovation at technology exhibit

Updated: Jun 26,2017 2:06 PM     english.gov.cn/The Beijing News

Premier Li Keqiang viewed an exhibition of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum chips on June 22, saying that China must ride the tide of new technological revolution.

As the Premier stepped into the exhibition, he was identified and greeted by a smart checking system based on facial recognition technology, with the words of welcome showing on a screen.

There was also a pay-with-your-image vending machine, at which Premier Li bought a 180-ml cup of coffee.

A few steps away was a holographic projection displaying the clinical use of stem cells and regenerative medicine, which can treat serious diseases such as Parkinson’s and spinal cord injuries.

Other exhibits included a structure model of nano chromatin, space cold atomic clock, equipment from the Beidou navigation system and a superconductive quantum CPU — the brain of the future’s quantum computer. They were all part of the latest achievements by Chinese researchers.

The same day, Premier Li also chaired a State Council study symposium and talked with four top Chinese scientists about the technological revolution, Al, quantum science and gene editing.

“We are living in a time of profound technological and industrial revolution. We must seize the opportunity and innovate research mechanisms to better adapt to changes,” he said.

Pan Yunhe, from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, agreed with the Premier’s point that scientific innovation should be promoted by mechanism innovation. “You have touched on the fundamental factor,” he said to the Premier.

Premier Li said to the attending scientists: “Every country is striving to lead the scientific research. I hope you all try your best.”
