Premier hails flexible manufacturing to spur innovation

Updated: Jun 10,2017 6:59 AM     english.gov.cn

Premier Li Keqiang has stressed the significance of flexible manufacturing at a State Council executive meeting, during which a decision was made to set up more innovation and demonstration bases.

At the meeting, on June 7, Premier Li referred to an automobile chassis he recently viewed in Belgium as an example. He said the most eye-catching feature of the chassis was its flexibility of fitting into different engines and vehicles, regardless of being a three or four cylinder car, an A or B class vehicle, or an SUV.

“It broke the old concept of chassis,” he said,

“More importantly, it can promote research cooperation among big enterprises and small to medium-sized ones.”

He added a trend of the fourth industrial revolution was to be considered flexible manufacturing, which brought organizational reform, and integrated development among big, medium and small enterprises.

“Building innovation bases would be a right choice to follow the trend,” Premier Li said.

The first batch of innovation demonstration bases was built following a State Council executive meeting in 2016. A recent report from the China Association for Science and Technology revealed the 28 innovation bases have done a lot for local economic transformation and innovative development.

Premier Li said the demonstration zones set up examples in boosting the entrepreneurship and mass innovation strategy, with successful mode and experiences, which help to expand employment and stimulate new vitalities.

He then urged each region and department to focus on its urgent needs accordingly, and highlighted the aim to further remove system obstacles and create favorable policy environments.

According to the 2017 Government Work Report, the executive meeting on June 7 decided to build additional demonstration bases in higher educational institutes and enterprises, which have taken the lead in implementing entrepreneurship and innovation initiative.

The newly established demonstration bases would cover emerging and traditional industries, as well as all types of market entities, while applying targeted policies to migrant workers and returning overseas talents.

Premier Li said China should attach great importance to the mounting pressure of employment, which has been the biggest challenge for administration.

“Innovation initiatives should be the best solution,” he said.

Premier Li added he found a number of migrant workers have returned home to start their own businesses.

“So the development of demonstration bases has truly promoted entrepreneurship spirit among farmers,” he said.

Premier Li further urged more efforts be put into providing supportive policies, in order to attract overseas talents as they are significant human resources with great innovative spirits.
