Premier Li Keqiang arrives in Berlin for official visit

Updated: May 31,2017 9:50 PM     english.gov.cn

Premier Li Keqiang arrived in Berlin on May 31, starting his official visit to Germany.

At the airport, he was welcomed by senior officials of the German government and Shi Mingde, Chinese ambassador to Germany.

China-Germany ties have seen smooth development since both countries established diplomatic relations 45 years ago, Premier Li said. As the world economy is suffering sluggish recovery while anti-globalization and protectionism are on the rise, it is even more significant that China and Germany enhance communication and face challenges together.

“I came here to develop our friendship and renovate bilateral cooperation,” Premier Li said, adding that he hopes that the two sides can elevate bilateral ties based on mutual respect and equal treatment, so as to benefit two people and promote world peace and development.

During his visit, Premier Li and German Chancellor Angela Merkel will attend several meetings, including their annual summit, a press conference, and the Sino-Germany forum on innovation. They will also witness the signing of some cooperation documents and talk with business communities of the two countries.

The Premier will also meet with German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier.
