Shantytown renovation tops Premier Li’s list of concerns

Updated: May 26,2017 7:40 AM     english.gov.cn

Over the past eight years, China’s efforts in shantytown renovation benefited more than 80 million people, and the undertaking will continue to serve around 50 million more in the coming three years.

That was the task outlined at the State Council executive meeting presided over by Premier Li Keqiang on May 24.

Eighty million implies a population equivalent to that of Germany moved to new housing from 2008 to 2016.

The achievement demonstrates the people-oriented principle of the Chinese government, which is also a common idea of the international community as reflected in the United Nations’ Habitat Agenda.

Adequate shelter for all and sustainable human settlements in an urbanizing world require global efforts. In China, shantytown renovation will continue to benefit more people under Premier Li’s support.

According to an official from the United Nations Human Settlements Program, China’s experience in shantytown renovation is a global miracle, and the success of Chinese cities deserves the world’s attention.

A consultant from the World Bank said, “Shantytown renovation in China ensured housing, incomes, and interests of the poor population.”

At the meeting on May 24, the government decided to build 6 million houses this year for residents in poor living conditions, and 15 million houses in shantytown areas will be renovated from 2018 to 2020.

As millions of people benefit, the policy will also drive up investment and consumption, and address imbalances in the process of the new type of urbanization.
