Premier urges publicizing enterprise fee lists

Updated: May 18,2017 7:09 AM     english.gov.cn

Premier Li Keqiang asked governments at all levels to publicize a detailed list concerning enterprise fees within the year and crack down on any arbitrary charges.

“Authorities should never add new charge items on enterprises, no tricks are allowed!” he said at the State Council executive meeting on May 17.

The meeting decided to further reduce operational service charges for enterprises, logistics and energy costs, and planned to carry out a batch of new measures to further reduce corporate burdens. It is expected to help enterprises save about 120 billion yuan annually.

“Can the related departments make it? It’s really a matter of interests,” Premier Li asked meeting participants.

After receiving a positive answer, the Premier said, “That’s settled then. We also will examine the implementation of the policy.”

At a press conference at this year’s two sessions, Premier Li promised to make greater efforts to cut taxes and fees during the year.

“The amount of tax and fees reduced will strive to reach 1 trillion yuan,” he said at the meeting on May 17, while pledging to reduce the logistics costs of enterprises by promoting reform of the provincial grid transmission and distribution, and reducing its prices and operational service charges.

The meeting also decided to cut unreasonable business fees collected by trade associations, regulate charges by financial institutions and reform commercial auto insurance.

Premier Li said lowering corporate costs will help upgrade manufacturing and the real economy.

“Although improvements in the Chinese business environment have been recognized by the international community, some unreasonable business fees are still confusing and make enterprises uneasy,” he said. “Currently many countries are planning for tax deductions, so we should also do something on that issue in order to enhance market confidence.”

The Premier urged related departments to release more targeted measures.

“It will not only lift the burden on enterprises, but also promote economic development and increase people’s income,” he added.
