Premier Li meets Pakistani Prime Minister

Updated: May 13,2017 3:57 PM     english.gov.cn

Premier Li Keqiang met Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. who is in Beijing to attend the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, on May 13.

Premier Li said China has attached great importance to the friendship and bilateral ties between the two countries and is willing to expand mutually beneficial cooperation based on high-level political mutual trust, so as to push forward the all-weather strategic partnership.

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is a major project jointly promoted by the two countries under the Belt and Road Initiative and it has achieved great results, the Premier added.

He urged both sides to further boost the alignment of their development strategies to facilitate the cooperation of major projects in transportation infrastructure, energy and capacity, while promoting the development of balanced trade.

The Premier said he hopes that Pakistan can enhance its efforts in securing the safety of Chinese staffers and their projects in that country.

Sharif said that as China’s friendly neighbor and strategic partner, Pakistan has been dedicated to the development of bilateral ties.

The Pakistan-China economic corridor is a key cooperative project between the two countries, and Pakistan is ready to facilitate its construction and take related measures to secure the safety of personnel at Chinese enterprises.

Pakistan is also willing to enhance cooperation in capacity and trade, and will provide convenience in investment for Chinese enterprises.
