China and Vietnam relationship boosted

Updated: May 12,2017 10:19 PM     english.gov.cn

Premier Li Keqiang held a talk on May 12 with Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang, who is in Beijing to attend the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation scheduled for May 14 to 15.

Premier Li said China and Vietnam were neighboring countries, and Quang’s meeting with President Xi Jinping yielded fruitful results on May 11.

“China is glad to work with Vietnam to grasp the general trend of bilateral relations, keeping high-level visits, as well as speeding up the link of the Belt and Road Initiative and the Two Corridors and One Economic Circle,” he said.

Following the concept of boosting progress in maritime, land and finance cooperation, the two countries should promote mutual cooperation in all fields, and have close people-to-people exchanges to consolidate the friendly bilateral neighbors, promoting a healthy development of all-round strategic partnership relations, Premier Li noted.

He also pointed out China was willing to strengthen its cooperation with Vietnam under the cooperation frameworks of China-ASEAN and Lancang-Mekong, as well as promote the economic cooperation in border areas, and crack down on cross-border crimes to boost peace, tranquility and prosperity in the border area or even in each region, benefiting the people in the two countries.

Quang said the China-Vietnam relation was developing well, with efforts being made from both sides. He added cooperation was progressing in all fields, which was in accordance with the benefits of both people, and that, in turn, would help the region’s peaceful development.

Quang mentioned Vietnam was willing to further promote the balanced trade development in both countries, as well as expand investment and cooperation, strengthen cooperation in agriculture, infrastructure, high-end technology, finance and renewable resources, and close the ties in local cooperation and people-people exchanges.
