Cooperation with Poland to be enhanced

Updated: May 12,2017 4:04 PM     english.gov.cn

Premier Li Keqiang on May 12 said China is glad to work with Poland through top officials, explore more cooperation potential and enhance people-to-people exchanges.

The communications and exchanges are based on the principles of mutual respect and equality, Premier Li told Poland’s Prime Minister Beata Szydlo, who is in Beijing to attend the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation scheduled for May 14 to 15.

China-Poland relations have grown, and the pragmatic cooperation has borne fruitful results, Premier Li said, adding that the two countries should take advantage of the bilateral cooperation platforms and the prime ministers’ regular meeting mechanism, linking development strategies and enhancing interconnectivity and trade investment.

The two countries should also develop industrial capacity cooperation in infrastructure and energy, boost cooperation in third-party markets and create new growth points in new emerging industries, said the Premier.

He also said that he hopes Poland will continue play a positive role in the relationship of China-European Union (EU) and the Cooperation Framework of China and Central and Eastern European Countries (16+1).

Szydlo said Poland is glad to work with China to continue the close contact of top officials, strengthen cooperation in railways and ports, industrial and agricultural fields, and expand cooperation in culture and tourism to better achieve win-win development.

As a member of the European Union, Poland supports trade between China and EU, and will make continuous efforts in China-EU cooperation and 16+1 cooperation, according to the Polish prime minister.

After the meeting, they witnessed the signing of documents for bilateral cooperation in fields including environmental protection and tourism.
