Premier Li hails streamlining efforts in Henan

Updated: May 8,2017 3:34 PM     english.gov.cn

Premier Li Keqiang hailed efforts to streamline certifications during a visit to a free trade zone in Kaifeng, Henan province, on May 8.

The free trade zone’s certification streamlining promoted the reform of streamlining administration and delegating power to lower-level governments.

The purpose of setting up free trade zones is to build highlands for reform and opening-up, which will streamline administrative approvals, enhance regulation, and improve administrative services, according to the Premier.

The streamlining reform reduced by fourth-fifths the time a new company needs to spend on registration.

As an inland city, Kaifeng can also create a first-class free trade zone. Kaifeng was famous for its ancient history but now it is standing out due to the tree trade zone, the Premier said at the FTZ service center.
