Premier urges Shaanxi to protect cultural heritage

Updated: Mar 9,2017 5:25 PM     english.gov.cn

When meeting with lawmakers from Northwest China’s Shaanxi province on March 9, Premier Li Keqiang said under the strong leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC) did a lot of great work in the past year.

The Premier said he completely agrees with the work report delivered by Zhang Dejiang, chairman of the 12th NPC Standing Committee, and the NPC not only supervises, but also supports the work of the State Council, which showed the advantages of China’s political system.

Shaanxi province has a long history, and its people have fighting spirit in the face of challenges, which should be highly admired, much like the high notes of the local Qinqiang Opera and Xintianyou, a kind of Shaanxi local song, Premier Li said.

He called on the province to carry on the spirit of increasing reform in key areas and expanding opening-up, and continue to lead the reform and opening-up in the northwestern region.

Shaanxi province, as one of the birthplaces of the Chinese civilization and with Yan’an, China’s revolutionary base, located within, has made great contributions to China’s cultural heritage and revolution history, so it deserves more policy support from the government, said the Premier.

He urged related departments to give responses to every issue proposed by the Shaanxi delegates and do their best to provide support for them.

Premier Li also called for the preservation of a historic hut located in Yan’an, where the famous musician Xian Xinghai composed The Yellow River Cantata.

Talking about the hut with Zhao Jiping, honorary president of the Chinese Musicians’ Association, the Premier asked if the hut still exists.

“It exists, but shabby and small,” Zhao answered.

“The hut is precious and embodies the Chinese national spirit. No matter how small and old it is, it must be preserved,” Premier Li said.

The government work report mentions people about 70 times and innovation 40 times, and stresses being practical and implementing government policies and measures in over 30 places, which shows the Premier is most concerned about issues of employment, environment and satisfaction of people, said Wang Yongkang, secretary of Xi’an municipal committee of CPC.

Three years ago, Premier Li inspected Shaanxi province, and visited a left-behind child, Yang Kang, in Ankang city. When the Premier left, the child told her father, who worked far away, that a “big person” came to her house.

A delegate from Ankang told the Premier that Yang’s family has moved to the town. Hearing that, the Premier laughed, saying that ordinary people are the top priority, and they are the “big person”.

When visiting the Shaanxi delegation, Premier Li witnessed delegates’ active participation in the discussion. While his schedule was tight, the Premier spared time for delegates to offer their advice and opinions on the government work report. Premier Li said that he was eager to hear their opinions and he gave the delegate from Yan’an the chance to make one more speech.
