Premier Li greets Tibetan delegation

Updated: Mar 7,2017 6:39 PM     english.gov.cn

Premier Li Keqiang has met with the Tibetan members of the 12th National People’s Congress as part of the review of the government work report.

The Premier extended his warm greetings to all the NPC deputies from the Tibetan autonomous region and sent his best wishes to all its nationalities.

He said the objective of economic development is to improve people’s lives, which is a key part of the government work report.

More effort shall be made to promote economic growth as a way to improve people’s livelihoods despite the environmental hardship in the region, the Premier said.

After listening to the deputies’ suggestions on poverty alleviation, infrastructure, and public services, Premier Li said related departments of the State Council should give timely responses, and spare no effort to get the work done.

The Tibet autonomous region, located on China’s border, is known as the “roof of the world”. Premier Li said it is our country’s ecological barrier, playing a key role in national security and stability.

He also said Tibet’s development should be an integral part of the overall national development plan, while the region itself must make development and stability its top priority.

He added that stability and development are inseparable and the foundation for harmony and happiness among all nationalities in the region.

During the discussion, the Premier also spoke highly of everyone’s work and contribution to Tibet’s social and economic development under difficult environmental conditions.
