Premier stresses information transparency in fighting bird flu

Updated: Feb 26,2017 8:47 AM     english.gov.cn

Premier Li Keqiang has stressed that local governments should publish information concerning the H7N9 avian bird flu in a timely manner.

“Releasing accurate information in an open and transparent way is the only way to prevent rumors from spreading, so related departments should respond to public concerns without any delay while strengthening disease control and prevention,” Premier Li said at the State Council executive meeting on Feb 22.

He said that the disease had appeared earlier than previous years, and the number of infections had also increased, urging government authorities to take effective measures to contain the spread of the deadly disease.

Medical supplies should be secured, with related medical fees included in the medical insurance, to lower the death rate to the maximum limit, the Premier added.

“People’s lives should always be put in first place.”

According to the meeting, efforts should be made to monitor poultry farms and markets, and cull infected poultry. In addition, new modes will be promoted regarding poultry feeding, slaughtering, logistics, and sales.

“Regions and departments should pay high attention to the threat which involves people’s safety, and coordinated efforts must be made to prevent and control any infections,” Premier Li said.
