Premier works to enhance migrant workers’ lives

Updated: Jan 31,2017 9:12 AM     english.gov.cn

Since taking office, Premier Li Keqiang has been urging related departments to solve every “unpaid salary” case for migrant workers and make every effort to show them love and care because they are the backbone of the family and the country.

Yunnan: Jan 23, 2017

Upon learning of an unpaid salary case from a local migrant worker, Premier Li ordered authorities to crack down on back pay for migrant workers when he visited Ludian county, Southwest China’s Yunnan province.

“Withheld pay not only violates market rules, but also offends the conscience,” Premier Li said.

Yunnan: Jan 23, 2017

Premier Li asked local citizens if there were migrant workers who did not get their pay, when inspecting Ludian county, Southwest China’s Yunnan province.

After seeing some of them raise their hands, the Premier said every case of withheld pay should be solved and such problems should be handled with permanent efforts and strong determination. It is government’s responsibility to fight against it, he said.

Hainan: March 25, 2016

At a construction site in South China’s Hainan province, Premier Li hailed a worker who sends 8,000 yuan of his 9,000 yuan monthly salary home to support his family. The premier praised him for his contribution to the country during a visit to a construction site at the Boao Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pilot Zone.

“Many workers like you save money for your family. The projects you build will help more people live a healthier life,” the Premier told the worker.

Jilin: April 9, 2015

Premier Li Keqiang visited a wire harness manufacturing company located in Changchun city in Jilin province.

The corporation, formerly a state-owned enterprise, has a total of 7,500 employees and most of them come from nearby rural areas.

Premier Li is highly concerned about these migrant workers and asked a series of questions concerning their working conditions, including whether they have adapted to urban life and their incomes and living conditions compared to that back at home.

The Premier also encouraged migrant workers to learn more skills.

Being equipped with more skills means higher incomes, Premier Li told them.

Jilin: April 9, 2015

Premier Li visited a comprehensive transportation hub construction site in the south part of Changchun city in Jilin province.

After learning that the construction company worked with a labor service firm in Chongqing and paid the migrant workers every month through wage cards, Premier Li said it is a good idea for companies that have a great demand for workers to cooperate with labor service companies in places that have a redundant labor force.

It is not easy for migrant workers to travel thousands of miles to find a job; efforts must be made to ensure that they get paid in a timely manner, he said.

Guizhou: Feb 14, 2015

Premier Li prepared instant noodles at a highway service station for migrant workers who were heading home for Spring Festival during his inspection tour to southwest China’s Guizhou province.

The Premier poured hot water from a thermos flask into a bowl of instant noodles and handed the food to Wu Qi, one of the thousands of local migrant workers returning to Liping county to spend Chinese New Year with their families.

The noodle dish, which was cooked with pickled Chinese cabbage flavor, is a local delicacy with distinctive Guizhou characteristics, Premier Li said.

“Local flavor is calling you back, and the government will work out policies to offer financial and technical support to migrant workers who are willing to move back and start their life in their hometown,” he said as he handed the bowl to Wu.

Guizhou: Feb 14, 2015

“The service station has not only represented service offered by government to migrant workers but delivered loving care,” Premier Li said after paying a visit to a station which provided services, such as food, drinks, legal consulting services and recruitment info, for migrant workers.

Inner Mongolia autonomous region: May 22, 2014

During his inspection tour to north China’s Inner Mongolia autonomous region, Premier Li talked with migrant workers at Derun Drainage Co., Ltd. in Chifeng city.

The Premier visited a local sewage disposal plant and spoke highly of the contribution made by migrant workers, adding that better city views are only the “appearance” while the “core work” of urban development is still weak in infrastructure like sewage disposal.

He also encouraged them to advance their skills to prepare for future job opportunities.

Chongqing: April 27, 2014

Premier Li praised the Chongqing Bang Bang as the symbol of hard-working Chinese people when he visited a harbor in northeast Chongqing’s Wanzhou district.

Bang Bang, literally means “stick”. It is the nickname used for the farmers turned porters in this hilly city, who use poles to carry things about.

“China’s economy relies on the spirit of the Bang Bang. They can carry heavy luggage and do the hardest jobs. The most important aspect of China’s development is the diligence of its people. You have done a great job, and every penny you earn comes from your hard work.” Premier Li said.

Shaanxi: Jan 27, 2014

Premier Li talked with the father of Yang Kang, a 12-year-old girl, over the phone during a visit to her home in Xunyang county, Northwest China’s Shaanxi province.

Over the phone, the Premier asked the father whether he could back for the festival and then told him not to worry about his family. Yang Kang’s father worked in the city and told the Premier he will return home in time for Spring Festival.
