Migrant worker gets withheld pay 48 hours after Premier’s visit

Updated: Jan 26,2017 1:34 PM     english.gov.cn/The Beijing News

Migrant worker Gan Yongrong received his withheld pay of 58,000 yuan ($8,431) at 8:30 am on Jan 25, just 48 hours after Premier Li Keqiang’s visit to his family.

Premier Li visited Gan’s family during his inspection tour to Ludian county, Southwest China’s Yunnan province, on Jan 23.

Learning that the man, the only earning member of a family of six living in the area under post-quake reconstruction, had not been paid his wages for a year, the Premier got very angry and urged local authorities to help Gan get his overdue payment.

“Withheld pay not only violates market rule but also offends conscience. It is government’s responsibility to fight against it and protect the legal rights of migrant workers,” said the Premier.

The Premier has repeatedly said migrant workers are the “backbone” of their families. A thorough crackdown on withheld pay will encourage migrant workers to continue working outside their hometowns to increase income, which is also significant for expanding employment, said the Premier.

Local authorities should help rural migrant workers receive any overdue wages, Premier Li said, adding that there should be a nationwide inspection to review the wage default situation.
