Premier Li eyes deeper cooperation with Vietnam

Updated: Jan 13,2017 3:47 PM     english.gov.cn

Premier Li Keqiang stressed cooperation between China and Vietnam during a meeting with General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong in Beijing on Jan 13.

The Vietnamese leader is on a state visit to China and held a meeting with President Xi Jinping on Jan 12.

China and Vietnam are neighboring countries joined by common mountains and rivers, said Premier Li. China is committed to the principle of building a good neighborly relationship and partnership with Vietnam on the basis of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit. China is also willing to strengthen political mutual trust between the two countries and enhance cooperation in all sectors, building a more solid bilateral relationship, according to Premier Li.

As international political and economic pattern is undergoing profound changes, China and Vietnam shoulder the responsibility of economic development and improvement of people’s lives, he said.

China is willing to accelerate the alignment of the Belt and Road initiative with Vietnam’s Two Corridors and One Economic Circle plan to promote cooperation in maritime, land, and financial sectors and achieve a balanced trade growth, bringing more benefits to people in both countries, the Premier added.

Premier Li said this year marks the 50th anniversary of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), which will usher in new situations and development opportunities for regional cooperation.

The Premier stressed that China attaches great importance to developing relationships with ASEAN countries, and is willing to tap the cooperation potential under the frameworks of the China-ASEAN and Lancang-Mekong River sub-regional economic cooperation.

“China will work with every other country to push forward regional economic integration, and send positive signals in supporting economic globalization, trade liberalization and investment facilitation, to jointly safeguard regional peace and stability, development and prosperity,” said the Premier.

Trong said China has continued to make achievements in its development, and Vietnam is glad to see the healthy and stable development of its relations with China.

“Vietnam is willing to work with China in implementing the consensus reached between the two countries, enhancing high-level exchanges and mutual political trust, and deepening the strategic connection,” said Trong.

He also called for expanding two-way trade and investment, and carrying out extensive cooperation in the areas of agriculture, industrial capacity, science and education.

The two sides should maintain the positive momentum of development in bilateral relations, and make contributions to regional and global peace and development, added Trong.
