Seven issues concerning people’s lives from the past week

Updated: Nov 21,2016 3:50 PM     english.gov.cn

Poverty alleviation, improved education and environmental protection

State Council executive meeting on Nov 15 passed guidelines for fighting poverty, developing education and strengthening environmental protection, which are all part of the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-2020).

Inspections on payment of wages for migrant workers

Starting on Nov 15, twelve departments and ministries, including the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, National Development and Reform Commission and Ministry of Public Security, jointly launched a national inspection on the payment of wages to migrant workers before the upcoming Spring Festival.

Focus of the inspection are enterprises in municipal construction, transportation and water conservancy that recruit more migrant workers, and labor-intensive enterprises and individual businesses in processing and catering sectors, especially construction enterprises for government investment projects and those in overcapacity sectors.

Each social community will have one social worker by 2020

Over 10 departments, including the Ministry of Civil Affairs, jointly published a social community service system plan for 2016-2020, clearly promoting the service facility construction of social communities in urban and rural areas. The service is aimed at trying to cover all social communities in cities and 50 percent in rural areas by 2020.

Build an integrated urban and rural transportation structure

Eleven government departments, including the Ministry of Transportation and National Development and Reform Commission, released guidelines on integrating transportation in urban and rural areas and improving public service.

The guidelines put forward 18 key tasks in four aspects, and proposed building an integrated urban and rural transportation structure by 2020.

Online platform helps find missing children

On Nov 16, an improved online platform for helping find missing children was launched by the Ministry of Public Security. Local public security organs can share information about lost children on the platform, which could send notifications via several social media apps to people in and around the area where a child has vanished.

The improved platform has been connected to 14 mobile applications to expand the information spreading channels and scope.

Five-year plan for family education

All-China Women’s Federation, along with seven other ministries and commissions, jointly enacted a five-year plan (2016-2020) for guiding family education.

The guidelines stressed improving the family education public service network and setting up schools for parents and service stations for family education. The schools and service stations are scheduled to cover 90 percent of urban communities and 80 percent of social communities in rural areas.

Complementary three -level connection network for the disabled

Seven ministries, including the China Disabled Persons’ Federation and Ministry of Civil Affairs, printed and released the 13th five-year plan for improving services for the disabled.

It suggested setting up a public service network of a complementary three-level connection of county, township and village. By 2020, every county will have at least one of the three services of rehabilitation facility, foster facility and comprehensive service facility for the disabled.
