Premier calls for deepening cooperation with Poland

Updated: Nov 6,2016 3:21 AM     english.gov.cn

Premier Li Keqiang met with his Polish counterpart Beata Szydlo in Riga, Latvia’s capital, on Nov 5.

During the meeting, Premier Li applauded Poland’s proactive role in pushing forward “16+1 cooperation” and Sino-European Union (EU) relation. He added that China is willing to strengthen the alignment of the Belt and Road Initiative and Poland’s “Reindustrialization” development strategy based on mutual respect and win-win cooperation.

Premier Li also called for more cooperation in the construction of Poland’s ports and industrial parks, offering full use of China’s comparative advantages in infrastructure construction and manufacturing industries.

Szydlo said that Poland has been attaching great importance to China-Poland relations and is willing to deepen bilateral cooperation in fields such as infrastructure, industrial parks and science and technology under the framework of “16+1 cooperation”.
