Official government websites highlight Premier Li’s Eurasia tour

Updated: Nov 5,2016 2:55 PM     english.gov.cn

The official government websites of Kazakhstan, Latvia and Russia and Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) paid close attention to Premier Li Keqiang’s visit by posting news about it on their homepages.

The Kazakhstani government website updated with a story about Premier Li’s meeting with his Kazakh counterpart Bakytzhan Sagintayev, stressing bilateral relations.

Official website of Kazakhstan

The official website of the Latvian government reported on the meeting between Premier Li and Latvian Prime Minister Maris Kucinskis on the homepage. According to the story, “heads of both governments discussed issues regarding cooperation between Latvia and China in the fields of transport, logistics, trade, tourism and education”.

Official website of Latvia

The official website of Russian government published the interview script of China Central Television to the Russian Premier Dmitry Medvedev. In the interview, Medvedev said he hopes the meeting with Premier Li will be “not just a productive meeting but a memorable event for our Chinese friends”.

Official website of Russian government

The official website of SCO published information on the joint communiqué of the 15th prime ministers’ meeting, which Premier Li attended in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan, on Nov 3, vowing to further promote mutually beneficial economic cooperation.

Official website of Shanghai Cooperation Organization

The Russian government also updated information about the 15th SCO prime ministers’ meeting on its official website.

Official website of Russian government
