Premier Li, Latvian PM hold talks and witness signing of deals

Updated: Nov 4,2016 10:47 PM     english.gov.cn

Premier Li Keqiang held talks with Latvian Prime Minister Maris Kucinskis on Nov 4 in Riga, the capital of Latvia, saying China wants to raise Sino-Latvian ties to a new level.

Premier Li said Latvia is China’s good friend in the Baltic Sea region and an important partner in central and eastern Europe (CEE) countries and the Europe Union. Since the establishment of diplomatic ties 25 years ago, both sides have witnessed the strengthening of mutual trust, deepening pragmatic cooperation in all fields, and closer people-to-people and cultural exchanges, the Premier added.

Based on the principles of mutual respect and equality, China is willing to promote exchanges at all levels with Latvia to raise Sino-Latvian ties to a new level, said Premier Li.

The Premier also commended Latvia’s support and active participation in China-CEE cooperation and expressed hope to enhance common development and prosperity among China, CEE and Europe.

Kucinskis said Latvia is willing to become China’s reliable partner, support China’s Belt and Road initiative and promote pragmatic cooperation between the two nations to achieve mutual benefits and win-win results.

After the meeting, Premier Li and Kucinskis witnessed the signing of bilateral cooperation agreements in such areas as economy, trade, transportation and culture.
