Premier Li starts visit to Kyrgyzstan in Bishkek

Updated: Nov 2,2016 5:54 PM     english.gov.cn

Premier Li Keqiang arrived in the capital of Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, on Nov 2, kicking off his official visit to the country at the invitation of his Kyrgyz counterpart, Sooronbai Zheenbekov.

He will also attend the 15th prime ministers’ meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) while in Kyrgyzstan.

Zheenbekov welcomed Premier Li at Bishkek’s airport. A military honor guard stood along the red carpet, and a Kyrgyz teenager offered him flowers and traditional snacks.

Chinese ambassador to Kyrgyzstan Xiao Qinghua also greeted Premier Li at the airport.

Premier Li then attended a welcoming ceremony held by Zheenbekov. A military band played the national anthems of both countries as Premier Li reviewed the guard of honor accompanied by Zheenbekov.

Premier Li said China and Kyrgyzstan are good neighbors with shared mountains and rivers, and bilateral relations have maintained stable growth in the last 24 years, since diplomatic ties were established.

The Premier said that he expects deep exchanges with leaders of Kyrgyzstan on bilateral relations and cooperation in all fields, adding that both sides should work together to open a new chapter of friendly cooperation.

The Premier also said that SCO has played an important role in maintaining regional stability and promoting the prosperity of member countries since its establishment 15 years ago.

China is willing to reach new consensus with all the members to further enhance common interests and release more cooperation potential in national security, economy, culture, and other areas, contributing to the sustainable and high-level development of SCO, said the Premier.

During the visit, Premier Li will meet with Kyrgyz President Almazbek Atambayev, attend a signing ceremony of cooperation agreements with Zheenbekov, and discuss issues concerning development and cooperation with leaders of other SCO members.
