Premier Li Keqiang hails new economic engines

Updated: Oct 7,2016 4:02 PM     english.gov.cn

Sunrise industries such as housekeeping and nursing services, innovative creations, new technologies including internet and big data, are all regarded as new driving forces for China’s economy, and Premier Li Keqiang speaks highly of the development of these new economic engines.

Premier Li praises Hainan’s medical tourism

On March 25, 2016, Premier Li visited the Boao Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pilot Zone in South China’s Hainan province. It is China’s first medical tourism center and the Premier praised the new business model that combines medical care with vacation.

The Premier stated that medical tourism is a project of people’s livelihood and a form of the new economy.

“People’s health is the basis for China’s long-term development, so a high standard should be set for the medical tourism industry,” he said.

Premier Li lauds nursing services

Premier Li hailed housekeeping services and nursing for the elderly as “sunrise industries” during a discussion with deputies to the 12th National People’s Congress from East China’s Shandong province on March 6, 2016.

“In the past, we had babysitters. The government also built nursing homes. However it did not become an industry,” he said. “Now the standardized services, combined with the ‘Internet Plus’ model, have been transformed into new kinds of services, a new drive for the economy.”

Premier Li visits e-commerce village in Zhejiang

Premier Li on Nov 19, 2014 praised staff members at an express distribution center in Yiwu, Zhejiang province, for helping narrow the urban-rural divide and creating opportunities.

“You do great work,” the Premier said, noting that their efforts not only create jobs, but also improve people’s lifestyles.

Two-way delivery links various communities and brings people closer together, he said. “Express delivery is an important part of logistics, a vital component of the modern economy, and the work carried out at the center is significant”.

Premier Li hails solar car in Qingkong

Premier Li took a ride on a solar car developed by an enterprise at the Qingkong innovation maker space in Taiyuan, Shanxi province, on Jan 5, 2016.

He praised solar energy technology and encouraged people to create new economic engines and build a better future for development.

The Premier also reassured entrepreneurs that the government will provide a convenient and efficient platform for them.

“There is huge potential in the Chinese market and people who have made efforts to set up their own businesses will have a bright future,” he said.

Premier Li calls for a better tourism market in Hainan

Premier Li tried a small tool invented by a local entrepreneur for drinking coconut juice during his visit to the Sanya Resident & Visitor Information Center in South China’s Hainan province on March 22, 2016.

“Although the invention is small, the potential market is huge”, the Premier said.

He praised the invention, and encouraged young local entrepreneurs to be pioneers for innovation and creativity.

Premier Li vows more support for big data

China will create a more transparent and equal market to attract foreign investment in big data and e-commerce with streamlined administration, Premier Li said on May 25, 2016 at the opening ceremony of the China Big Data Industry Summit in Guiyang, the capital of Guizhou province.

“Industries related to big data and e-commerce are booming in China with great growth potential, and enterprises from all countries are welcome to invest in these sectors,” he said.

Before the opening ceremony, Premier Li inspected an exhibition staged by 56qq.com, an online platform for logistics, and was greatly impressed. The platform enables 1.7 million drivers and the 300,000 member logistics companies to locate their optimal partners to transport freight.

Premier Li encourages e-commerce

Premier Li on Sept 24, 2015 visited e-commerce enterprises such as Jumei International Holding and Xiaohongshu.com, in the Henan Bonded Logistics Center in Zhengzhou.

The entrepreneurs said development of cross-border e-commerce will not be affected by the economic downturn and will contribute to trade and the real economy.

The Premier said enterprises should overcome criticism and take advice to grow stronger.

The center, after adopting the double random sampling mechanism, has cut customs clearance time from as long as several days to several seconds, which has significantly helped sales grow in the zone.

Premier Li said the move has not only improved efficiency, but also reduced any opportunity for undue fees to be sought, which will help relieve burdens for enterprises and further invigorate the market.

Premier Li is impressed by online platform

Premier Li paid a visit to Xianyi Holdings in Zhengzhou, Henan province, on Sept 24, 2015.

After adopting the “Internet Plus” model, the company now provides a service platform encompassing agricultural production, processing and logistics. It also utilizes big data to help secure food safety all the way from the farm to the dinner table.

Premier Li said the new industrial model demonstrates vast potential, which will soon parallel traditional economic engines.

The Premier also spoke highly of the new approach in which the company runs its business, which is a sort of crowd-funding, saying it is expected to stimulate more enthusiasm from employees and make the company stronger.

Premier Li explains Internet Plus

Premier Li said that what we don’t know about Internet Plus is much greater than what we know — so there is infinite potential. Every development concerning Internet Plus is like a drop of water that will eventually create an ocean — thus reshaping the pattern of traditional industries, he added.

He made the comments during a visit to the Pin Shang E-Commerce Co., Ltd, in Quanzhou, Fujian province, on April 23, 2015.

Premier Li praised the four internet platforms the company established — concerning cloud orders, capacity trading, credits of small and medium-sized enterprises and Internet finance — which can help reduce operation costs of small and micro-sized enterprises.

Premier Li pins hopes on Internet-based banking

Premier Li has pledged to provide a warm environment to boost “moderate” development of private banks during a visit to Webank, the country’s first Internet-based banking service in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, on Jan 4, 2015.

“The opening of your bank signals a significant step in China’s Internet finance and China’s financial reforms at large,” he said, adding that he pinned high hopes on private banking to find a solution to reduce mounting financing costs, and force the State-owned financial giants to change outdated service.
