Premier Li on Internet Plus traditional industries

Updated: Oct 5,2016 1:43 PM     english.gov.cn

Internet Plus was first put forward by Premier Li Keqiang in his government work report in 2015. According to the Premier, Internet Plus is a key opportunity for China’s economic transformation, and will profoundly influence and reshape the industrial pattern.

On Internet + logistics

During his visit to Guizhou Big Data Exhibition on May 25, 2016, Premier Li said the fundamental objective of big data, internet of things, and other technologies was to serve the “people”.

On July 20, 2016, the Premier emphasized at an executive meeting of the State Council that the promotion of “Internet + logistics” will contribute to the development of both the new economy and the traditional one. And efforts should be made to promote the in-depth integration of internet, big data, cloud computing with logistics to push forward the upgrade of logistics and China’s economy, he added.

On Internet + finance

On April 17, 2015, Premier Li inspected China Development Bank and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, and chaired a seminar. The Premier urged efforts to support financial innovation, expand opening-up and actively develop new industries such as Internet Plus finance.

During his inspection tour of China Construction Bank and People’s Bank of China on June 20, 2016, the Premier said innovative growth should be highlighted in Internet Plus and smart manufacturing. Meanwhile, more efforts should be made to curb illegal fundraising and financial activities, and prevent systematical and regional financial risks.

On Internet + medical care

On June 8, 2016, the State Council executive meeting chaired by Premier Li concluded that application of big data in medical care was an important livelihood project in the innovation-driven supply-side reform. It would improve the quality and efficiency of medical services and meet people’s needs, forming new industrial patterns and growth points, he added.

On March 25, 2016, Premier Li inspected a medical tourism pilot zone in Bo’ao of Hainan province. The Premier praised that “Internet + medical care” bridged the distance between doctors and patients.

On Internet + manufacturing

On Feb 2, 2016, Premier Li visited Kocel Machinery Co Ltd in Yinchuan, capital of Ningxia Hui autonomous region.

The Premier said Internet Plus is the key support to Made in China 2025, and more efforts should be made to promote integration of manufacturing and internet.

At the State Council executive meeting held on May 4, 2016, Premier Li said China was already a big manufacturing nation, but far from a manufacturing power. “We should accelerate the in-depth integration of manufacturing and internet,” he said.

Mind pooling was a major feature of internet, which could save labor and cost when seeking solutions around the world. Integration of manufacturing and internet was an inevitable path of modern industry, added the Premier.

On Jan 27, 2016, the State Council executive meeting chaired by Premier Li decided to promote the integrated development of Made in China 2025 and Internet Plus, bringing Chinese manufacturing to a medium and high level.

On Internet + transportation

On April 26, 2016, Premier Li paid a visit to a vegetable market in Chengdu, capital of Sichuan province.

At the State Council executive meeting held on April 6, 2016, the Premier said more work should be done to boost rural information infrastructure, remove limitation on smart logistics, internet of things and cold-chain transportation, build sound soft business environment, and reduce expensive rents.

On Internet + traditional Chinese medicine

On Feb 14, 2016, the State Council executive meeting held by Premier Li decided to further promote “Internet + traditional Chinese medicine” to benefit the people with the traditional treatment.

On Internet + government services

On Feb 2, 2016, Premier Li visited an exhibition center on “Smart Ningxia” initiative in Yinchuan, Ningxia Hui autonomous region.

The center has conducted data studies in eight fields including government affairs and social insurance, and aided the government in policy-making.

After checking the data on targeted poverty-alleviation and salary payment of rural migrant workers, the Premier praised the innovative initiative and urged the local government to adopt the Internet Plus to make its services smarter.

On Internet + public services

At the State Council executive meeting on Nov 18, 2015, Premier Li emphasized the need to provide quality, highly efficient and convenient public services by relying on Internet Plus.

The State Council issued a guideline on actively promoting the Internet Plus initiative in July 2015, which called for speeding up the in-depth integration of internet and the government service system and improving the governance capacity of governments at all levels.

On Internet + Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation and Made in China 2025

Premier Li stressed the role of innovation in structural reform regarding market supply and demand during a seminar with economists on Dec 2, 2015.

To increase effective supply, efforts should be made in reducing taxes, promoting initiatives of Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Made in China 2025, and Internet Plus, and accelerating the development of the service industry and advanced manufacturing industry, he said.

At the State Council executive meeting on Oct 14, 2015, Premier Li stressed that the combination of the internet and Made in China 2025, supplemented by mass innovation and entrepreneurship, is expected to trigger a “new Industrial Revolution”.

On Internet + agriculture

On Sept 24, 2015, Premier Li visited e-commerce enterprises such as Jumei International Holding and Xiaohongshu.com, located in the Henan Bonded Logistics Center in Zhengzhou, Henan province.

The entrepreneurs said development of cross-border e-commerce will not be affected by the economic downturn and will contribute to trade and the real economy.

The Premier encouraged these enterprises to overcome criticism and take advice to grow stronger.

The State Council executive meeting chaired by Premier Li Keqiang on Oct 14, 2015, pledged to speed up the development of e-commerce in rural areas and promote consumption by fostering new forms of businesses. The meeting noted that promoting e-commerce in rural areas through mass entrepreneurship and innovation will help expand domestic demands, promote the upgrading of agriculture and increase farmers’ income.
