Premier Li in US strategic talks

Updated: Sep 21,2016 8:48 PM     english.gov.cn

Premier Li Keqiang attended a number of activities in New York on Sept 20, including exchanging views with US elites about bilateral relations and opening strategies.

During a seminar, the Premier said economic globalization was an historical trend and that the core was trade liberalization and investment facilitation. As one of the beneficiaries of globalization, China is actively pushing for a bilateral investment agreement with the US.

Despite twists and turns over the past 40 years after the establishment of diplomatic relations, bilateral trade has increased from $4 billion to $560 billion, the Premier said.

Seventeen influential figures from finance, think tanks and US media attended the meeting, including former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg and former secretary of state Henry Kissinger.

Speaking with Kissinger, the Premier said the Belt and Road Initiative stressed trade in a stable and peaceful environment, a plan that connects development strategies between nations along the route.

While attending a welcome dinner held by the Economic Club of New York, Premier Li said China needed foreign investment and leading management ideas and technologies, and that it would offer access to foreign capital in more fields.

China and the US have more shared interests than disputes, and the two sides shall enhance people-to-people exchanges to raise mutual trust and remove misunderstanding, said the Premier.
