Premier Li addresses UN General Assembly

Updated: Sep 20,2016 4:01 AM     english.gov.cn

Premier Li Keqiang addresses the summit for refugees and migrants at the 71st session of the United Nations General Assembly on Sept 19 in New York. [Photo/Xinhua]

Premier Li Keqiang addressed the summit for refugees and migrants at the 71st session of the United Nations General Assembly on Sept 19 in New York.

It was the UN’s first high-level meeting addressing large-scale movements of refugees and migrants since the organization’s founding, as the problems were becoming increasingly urgent and the meeting raised the attention of the world community on the issue, said the Premier.

Premier Li said the refugee and migrant problem concerns global peace and development and affects regional stability, so the global society needs to cope with it proactively.

Premier Li addresses the summit for refugees and migrants at the 71st session of the United Nations General Assembly on Sept 19 in New York. [Photo/Xinhua]

The issue is a humanitarian crisis and a question of moral conscience, so the global community must lend a hand to the refugees, promote humanitarianism and safeguard the moral bottom line, said Premier Li.

He added that the resolution of such problems required global cooperation and the UN should fully exert its coordinative functions, work out and implement comprehensive solutions to jointly crack down on stowaways, human trafficking and terrorism.

Premier Li addresses the summit for refugees and migrants at the 71st session of the United Nations General Assembly on Sept 19 in New York. [Photo/Xinhua]

Cooperation from refugee-origin countries is also important, Premier Li noted. He urged stakeholders to resolve disputes through dialogue and negotiation and called on the international community to lead peace talks and promote more balanced global development.

The Premier also said that China, as a large developing country, is always willing to join in the global effort to solve the refugee and migrant problem and shoulder the responsibility that is suitable to its capacity.

Premier Li attends the summit for refugees and migrants at the 71st session of the United Nations General Assembly on Sept 19 in New York. [Photo/Xinhua]

He stressed that China will take a series of humanitarian measures and seek three-party cooperation with international institutions and developing countries on refugee and migrant problems.

Premier Li also expressed his hopes that the problems brought by massive movements of refugees and migrants can be finally resolved through the joint efforts of the international community.
