China reinforces ties with ASEAN

Updated: Sep 7,2016 4:21 PM     english.gov.cn

Premier Li Keqiang and leaders from the 10 Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) members attended the commemorative meeting of the 25th anniversary of dialogue relations between China and ASEAN in Vientiane, Laos, on Sept 7.

Together, they watched a short documentary video on China-ASEAN ties, which not only showed the extraordinary process from growth to maturity over the past 25 years, but also described a bright future of development in the relations.

With the presence of leaders from ASEAN countries, Premier Li and Laotian Prime Minister Thongloun Sisoulith co-released a handbook of cooperation data from both sides. The two leaders also cut commemorative cakes with Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.

Premier Li said that the two sides have firmly maintained cooperation since 1991, and the relationship has made great progress, which has greatly boosted regional stability and prosperity.

The past 25 years saw increasing mutual political trust between China and ASEAN, and cooperation between the two sides also achieved fruitful results during the period, said Premier Li, adding that China regards ASEAN as an important force in maintaining regional peace and stability and promoting regional integration and multi-polarization of the world.

He said China will continue to see ASEAN as a priority in neighboring diplomacy, and firmly supports the establishment of an ASEAN community and its greater role in regional and international affairs.

China will work with ASEAN to further enhance strategic communication, implement the “2+7 cooperation framework”, promote people-to-people exchanges, inject new energy into bilateral cooperation and build a closer China-ASEAN community with a shared destiny, said the Premier.

Leaders of ASEAN countries at the meeting spoke positively of the achievements of China-ASEAN dialogue mechanism since it started 25 years ago, and expressed their confidence in the prosperity of bilateral ties. They also agreed that celebrating the 25th anniversary of dialogue relations during the 10+1 leaders’ meeting is of great significance.

They insisted that China-ASEAN ties could benefit all ASEAN countries, which is conducive to building the ASEAN community. They expressed their willingness to work with China to seize opportunities, consolidate foundation, tap potential, enhance political mutual trust, deepen trade cooperation, expand people-to-people exchanges, and work to lift the bilateral relationship to a new level and promote regional peace and development.
