Premier’s upcoming visit to Laos

Updated: Sep 5,2016 5:54 PM     english.gov.cn

At the invitation of Laotian Prime Minister Thongloun Sisoulith, Premier Li Keqiang will visit Laos and attend the 19th China-ASEAN (10+1) leaders’ meeting, a summit marking the 25th anniversary of dialogue relations between China and ASEAN, and the 19th ASEAN-China, Japan and the Republic of Korea (10+3) leaders’ meeting, and the 11th East Asia Summit (EAS), from Sept 6 to 9.


According to Deputy Foreign Minister Liu Zhenmin, Premier Li’s visit will play an important role in expanding China-ASEAN ties, promoting regional integration in East Asia, and maintaining regional peace and stability.

This year marks the commencement of the ASEAN community, and 25th anniversary of China-ASEAN dialogues. The new Lancang-Mekong cooperation mechanism and cooperation among China, Japan, and the ROK will inject new vitality to regional integration.

As a friendly neighbor, Laos is an important member of ASEAN and holds the presidency of the organization this year. Premier Li’s visit during the 55th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Laos will lift the comprehensive strategic cooperation up to a new level, bringing more benefits to people of both nations.

‘10 +1’ to raise East Asia cooperation to new stage

During the meetings, all participants will review East Asia cooperation and exchange in-depth views on regional and international issues of common interest. For China, the meetings should focus on development and cooperation to boost East Asia cooperation and regional economic growth. Premier Li will elaborate on China’s policies toward East Asia cooperation, and advocate pragmatic cooperation under various mechanisms.

ASEAN is the core of East Asia cooperation and a priority in China’s neighboring diplomacy. During the China-ASEAN (10+1) summit, Premier Li will review relations between the two sides, facilitate the rollout of the 2+7 cooperation framework, and propose making cultural exchanges the new powerhouse to boost cooperation. China will continue to support building the ASEAN Community, and support ASEAN’s central role in regional cooperation, and play a bigger role in regional and international affairs.

‘10+3’ to strengthen cooperation in six areas

Cooperation between ASEAN and China, Japan and the ROK has seen many results in finance and food safety this year. At the ASEAN Plus Three leaders’ meeting, Premier Li will call for more input from all parties, a clear direction for the future and a new work plan for cooperation, which will lay emphasis on finance security, trade and investment, rural poverty reduction, interconnection, capacity and people-to-people exchanges.

New start of EAS’s second decade

EAS is an important platform connecting cooperation between the East Asia region and Asia-Pacific region. This year is the beginning of the second decade of the EAS, and Premier Li will deliver China’s ideas on the future of EAS, call for related parties to put in place the Phnom Penh Declaration action plan, and promote cooperation in six key areas.

55th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Laos

China and Laos, as countries with a long history of friendship, have established a comprehensive strategic partnership of cooperation. The cooperation has yielded fruitful results in trade, railways, and communication satellite research, among other fields, which benefited people and helped regional stability. Premier Li’s visit to Laos will be of great significance for promoting the partnership. Leaders of the two countries will exchange views on issues of common concern and sign cooperation documents.
