Premier’s remarks on food safety

Updated: Aug 30,2016 2:07 PM     english.gov.cn

This week, the State Council issued a circular regarding an assessment system for provincial and municipal governments on their performance of food safety management, as an effort to improve food safety and ensure people’s health.

The move is part of the government’s efforts to maintain and improve food security.

The government’s stance and efforts on food security can be clearly seen from Premier Li Keqiang’s instructions and statements. As far as the Premier is concerned, food security matters, as heard in the following remarks:

“Efforts should be made to secure food safety from farmland to table, and to crack down on illegal activities with zero tolerance, for the benefit of people’s health and safety.”

--In an instruction on Jan 28, 2016

“A zero tolerance attitude should be adopted toward anything that compromises food safety in order to ensure safe foods on people’s tables.”

--In instructions to a national teleconference on strengthening food safety on June 11, 2015

“Enterprises that run against the principle of fair competition should be punished, especially in the food security sector. They must pay an ‘unaffordable price’ for wrongdoings.”

-- At a meeting in Jinan, Shandong province, on July 25, 2014

“Industry and commerce departments should keep a close eye on food security issues and provide good services for businesses.”

-- During an inspection of an industry and commerce department in Tianjin on Dec 27, 2013

“Despite financial constraints, we would rather spend huge money on food security to make sure people have confidence in Chinese foods.”

-- At a national teleconference on May 13, 2013

“Food safety is a matter of utmost importance because it has a direct bearing on people’s quality of life and health. The government would take strong measures to punish heartless producers with substandard and fake food, so that they will pay a high price.”

--At the press conference of the “two sessions” in 2013
