What Premier Li said to college students

Updated: Aug 28,2016 3:15 PM     english.gov.cn

Premier Li Keqiang poses for a selfie with students at Tsinghua University in Beijing on April 15, 2016. [Photo/Xinhua]

Premier Li Keqiang has visited many universities and talked with several college students since he assumed office. As a new school year begins, let’s look back on the highlights of some of his visits.

On reading

“I used to get up at 6 a.m. and queue up for a seat in the library.”

Premier Li said during his visit to Zhejiang University on November 21, 2014. He mentioned his college life when talking with students. He said when he was studying in Peking University, more than 3,000 students used to wait in line every day as there were only few hundred seats available in the library.” People were thirsty for knowledge at that time,” he said.

“Read every day. It will benefit you a lot.”

Premier Li said when he visited Xiamen University on April 22, 2015, just before the World Reading Day (April 23). He encouraged college students to read a lot, saying that although the World Reading Day is just one day, we should read every day for a lifelong learning.

“Better read some classic books. They will set up a solid foundation for your knowledge and broaden your mind.”

Premier Li said when a student asked him to recommend some books during his visit to Xiamen University on April 22, 2015.

On study

“Entrepreneurship and innovation should be based on rich knowledge.”

Premier Li said when talking with students at Zhejiang University on November 21, 2014. He gave his interpretation of the motto of Zhejiang University — Seeking the Truth and Pioneering New Trails. He said that this motto stands for the fusion of the past and the present. Seeking the Truth represents an unwavering commitment to pursuing knowledge, which is the cornerstone of innovation and the lifeblood of students’ success in society.

“You should study hard today to build the future China.”

He said during a visit to the School of Architecture, Tsinghua University on April 15, 2016. He said China is undergoing fast urbanization and needs many architects. He encouraged students to pursue excellence in study.

On innovation

“College students should not only study in lab and library but also have the courage to start business, creating fortune for themselves and for the nation.”

He said during a visit to an innovation center at North China’s Tianjin city on December 27, 2013. He mentioned that business leaders, such as Bill Gates and Steven Jobs, all started with baby steps.

“Failure should be tolerated during the process of innovation.”

He said when he visited Hunan University on July 3, 2014. He bought four products from students, showing his support for their startup business.

“I believe you will make something from nothing.”

He said to a college graduate who gave up an offer from a foreign company and started his own company, during his visit to Zhejiang University on Nov 21, 2014. Premier Li also promised that the government will make efforts to support college students’ startups.

“Starting up business is actually learning from doing. It is more useful than learning from books.’’

Premier Li said to college entrepreneurs when visiting Jilin University on April 10, 2015. He encouraged them to study and start business at the same time so as to put what they learned into practice.

“If young people all strive for innovation, the country will be energetic.’’

He wrote in a letter in reply to college entrepreneurs at Tsinghua University on May 4, 2015. He said young people’s creativity is very important to the country.
