Premier Li stresses reform, innovation development in Jiangxi

Updated: Aug 24,2016 9:29 PM     english.gov.cn

Reform and opening-up and innovation-driven development are the only ways to lift the central regions, Premier Li Keqiang said during a trip to Jiangxi province from Aug 22 to 24.

Accompanied by Jiangxi provincial leaders, Premier Li visited Ganzhou and Nanchang, and inspected local economic and social development.

During his visit to Huangsha village in Ruijin, Premier Li was glad to see the improvement of people’s livelihoods due to renovation of local shantytowns.

At a navel orange base in Huangbai township of Ruijin, he hailed local farmers’ efforts to expand markets via the strategy of Internet Plus and said that the government will continue to support the improvement of rural infrastructure and development of special local industries.

Central and western regions contain the largest potential for China’s economic development. Amid the transformation of old and new driving forces, efforts should be made to accelerate industrial structure adjustment, expand industrial chain, strengthen development engines, promote economic transformation and upgrade, and alleviate poverty in old revolutionary base areas, according to Premier Li.

In Ruijin, the Premier also stopped at a paddy field and asked farmers about the purchase price of rice and their income, stressing that mechanisms on grain circulation and pricing should be further improved to bring benefits to farmers.

During an inspection of the largest renovation project for shantytowns in Ganzhou, he emphasized that further efforts should be made to provide people with new and well-equipped houses.

The Premier made a special visit to the Yeping revolutionary site and laid a wreath at the monument of Red Army martyrs in Ruijin, which used to be a Communist revolutionary base area, saying that revolutionary traditions should be inherited, and that continuing efforts should be made to create new achievements on the road of reform and opening-up.

Premier Li also inspected technological companies in Jiangxi province.

At Funeng, a technology company in Ganzhou, knowing the company used domestically made equipment to manufacture products, he hailed the new mode that can create huge industrial manufacturing demands and promote the development of new driving forces.

During a visit to Lattice Power, a leading company in silicon-based LED technology, he said that he hopes the company will create a world-famous Chinese brand and promote the transformation of technological achievements into productivity and market competitiveness.

Premier Li also inspected a designers’ creative industrial park of Zhong Hang Chang Jiang Construction Engineering Company in Nanchang, saying that creativity and market are infinite, and efforts should be strengthened to support micro businesses, promote mass entrepreneurship and innovation, and create jobs for college graduates.

During his visit to a flood control project in Nanchang, Jiangxi province, Premier Li said that this year, the Yangtze River Basin suffered the most severe floods since 1998, with water levels in major rivers and lakes surpassing warning lines.

Government at all levels and soldiers made coordinated efforts in flood control, transfer and resettlement of the affected population, which significantly reduced casualties and losses, said the Premier.

Meanwhile, Premier Li said, water conservancy facilities are of great importance to people’s livelihood and urban-rural development. But there are still many weak links in their development, the Premier noted.

In this respect, he called on related departments to seize the favorable opportunity of post-disaster reconstruction, and make overall planning to accelerate the reinforcement of small reservoirs and construction of facilities to prevent urban waterlogging.

In his communication with cadres and local residents during the inspection, Premier Li also stressed mobilizing the enthusiasm of all parties, and bringing out their sense of achievement in a bid to gain more momentum for development.

Premier Li affirmed Jiangxi’s achievements in economic and social development, and called for greater success in the development of Central China, the construction of the Yangtze River economic belt, poverty alleviation and economic upgrading.

The Premier was accompanied by State Councilor Yang Jing on the inspection.
