Premier stresses development of information industry

Updated: May 25,2016 11:58 PM     english.gov.cn

Premier Li Keqiang addressed the opening ceremony of the China Big Data Industry Summit & China E-commerce Innovation and Development Summit in Guiyang, capital of Southwest China’s Guizhou province, on May 25.

With the information tidal wave sweeping the world, China should grasp the historical opportunity, promote the integrative development of the Internet and real economy, and upgrade China’s economy and manufacturing, Premier Li said.

“We must adhere to reform and opening-up while promoting the new economy and the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries,” said Premier Li.

Adhering to an innovation-driven development strategy, we have launched measures such as “Internet power” strategy, “Internet Plus” action plan, and “Made in China 2025”. These efforts have already shown results in promoting innovation and exploiting manpower resources, the Premier added.

The Premier urged the integration of the innovation spirit represented by big data technology with the craftsmanship spirit nurtured in traditional industries, to further promote the upgrading of traditional industries, and vigorously promote the integration of the virtual and real worlds.

Premier Li also said that developing the sharing economy should provide equal opportunities for entrepreneurship and employment for more people. Meanwhile, the sharing economy can effectively lower the threshold, reduce costs and accelerate the speed for entrepreneurship and innovation.

He noted that the reform of streamlining administration and delegating power to lower levels has inspired the people’s enthusiasm for entrepreneurship, with new technologies, industries and models showing up in the process.

The combination of the innovation spirit and craftsmanship spirit can enhance the quality of products and improve the profits of enterprises, while better meeting consumers’ demand for products and services, added the Premier.

In addition, the Premier urged strengthening the infrastructure construction for information, especially in remote and poverty-stricken areas, to fill the digital gap and promote employment to reduce the poor population.

Moreover, the Premier called for cultivating and developing the information network industry, including big data, by streamlining administration and delegating power to lower levels as well as combining power delegation with management. He added that development should be driven by reform. In this respect, the market should play a major role, and the function of government is also essential.

Premier Li urged promoting governmental information sharing to bring convenience to enterprises and individuals. Information should be made public, except for when it relates to national security, trade and personal secrets, he said.

The Premier called for making full use of information method to improve market regulation and achieve both online and offline supervision. We have to use big data technologies to improve people’s livelihood and promote establishing a convenient and efficient livelihood service system, he added.

The Premier said information security should be part of the process of opening-up and development. He urged strengthening data security management and establishing laws for the supervision of data use.

The Premier also urged cracking down on misuse of information, privacy infringement, and Internet fraud. He called for enhancing the protection of intellectual property rights and purifying network spaces.

Premier Li said that new economy such as the information industry is developing quickly, which gives hope to world economic development. China welcomes enterprises and individuals to come and invest in China, he said. We encourage high-tech industries to move to central and western regions, where production is relatively low and benefits will be greater, he added.

We will create a more fair and transparent environment for investors, protect the legal rights and interests of enterprises and provide better public services, the Premier said.

Premier Li visited an exhibition on big data achievements before the opening ceremony.
