Premier urges maintaining graduates’ employment rate

Updated: May 20,2016 8:39 PM     english.gov.cn

Employment channels should be expanded to ensure the employment rate for university graduates will not fall in 2016, said Premier Li Keqiang in an instruction to a teleconference held in Beijing on May 20.

“University graduates are national wealth,” said Premier Li. In the past few years, related regions, ministries and universities took various measures to maintain the employment rate at a relatively high level.

With downward economic pressures and record high number of university graduates this year, governments at all levels must make it an urgent task to help university graduates get employed or start their own businesses.

The Premier urges related departments to further implement the action plan to promote the employment of graduates, and coordinate supply and demand in the employment market. Administration streamlining and commercial system reform should be further promoted to clear barriers for graduates who want to start their own businesses. The development of a new economy should be further accelerated to develop new technologies, industries, businesses and modes, and create more new jobs for qualified young people.

The conference asked related departments to implement the Premier’s instructions, and laid out measures to boost employment. It urged creating more job opportunities by developing new industries and new business models. The government should improve employment policies by guiding graduates to work at the grass-roots level and micro- and small companies. Students will be encouraged to start their own businesses and enjoy policy support. Related departments are also required to provide better service for graduates.

Reform on colleges and universities will continue to help better coordinate talent cultivation and industrial development, so that the structural problem of employment will be fundamentally resolved. Modern vocational education should be given more attention, and colleges and universities should be encouraged to cultivate high-quality technical talent.

Vice-Premiers Liu Yandong and Ma Kai attended the conference and delivered speeches.
