China boosts development of the equipment manufacturing industry

Updated: Apr 6,2016 8:21 PM     english.gov.cn

A State Council executive meeting, presided over by Premier Li Keqiang on April 6, mapped out plans to upgrade China’s manufacturing, deployed Internet Plus Circulation to expand domestic demands and set key jobs for this year’s medical reform.

During the meeting, a plan to standardize and improve the equipment manufacturing industry was approved to connect with China’s “Made in China 2025” strategy.

Through the plan, the central government aims to improve the country’s manufacturing to the world-class level, and standardize environmental-friendly manufacturing, research key technologies and implement intelligent manufacturing in China.

According to notes from the meeting, new breakthroughs should be made in standardize key areas such as robotic technology, advanced rail equipments, agricultural machines and high-performance medical instruments.

The standards should be updated timely according to the market trends, and China will try to achieve a goal that set for 2020 where transformation rates of the international standards in key areas should be increased to 90 percent from the current 70 percent.

In the meeting, the State Council urged to carry forward the spirits of craftsmen in China, produce more creative and popular products with high quality, phase out substandard ones and revive consumers’ confidences in the products made in China.

The State Council also decided during the meeting to implement the Internet Plus Circulation action plan to promote mass entrepreneurship and innovation, lower costs, drive consumption and employment and develop the new economy.

The detailed measures are as followed:

First, establish intelligent logistics system to develop Internet of Things. It required expanding the broadband construction in rural areas, transporting agricultural products to cities and industrial products to the villages and providing conveniences for sales of the agricultural products to increase farmers’ income, and diversify the supply for cities and keep the prices of goods stable.

Second, break restrictions on the business environment. The meeting urged establishing cloud platform for business services and cracking down on infringement so as to create a fair and competitive environment.

Third, promote the integration of online and offline business and accelerate the development of sharing economy. Notes from the meeting show the decision to promote the intelligentization and informatization for traditional businesses. The government will support enterprises’ optimize resources and expand markets with the aid of the Internet.

It is noted that during the meeting, active achievements have been made in the new round of medical system reform. People’s health levels have been improved and average life expectancy prolonged.

Those who took part in the meeting decided the key jobs on further deepening medical system reform are:

First, expand the cities from 100 to 200 for the trial of overall reform on the public hospitals.

Second, set up hierarchical medical system in about 70 percent pilot cities across the country. Retired doctors are encouraged to work at basic medical institutions or set up their own offices. By the end of this year, more than 15 percent urban families will have doctors provide medical services with contracts signed. The government will strive to carry out the work of clinical pathway management in all three-level hospitals and 80 percent of all two-level hospitals, according to notes from the meeting.

Third, improve the compensation system, cancel medical markups in public hospitals in newly-added pilot cities and strictly control unreasonable health examination fees. The coverage of the healthcare insurance system will be expanded all across the country to include the treatment of critical illnesses before the end of this year.

Fourth, comprehensively push the centralized procurement in public hospitals and establish a system for tracing the factory price for drugs. Patients can choose to buy medicine in hospitals and retail drug stores. Special drugs such as those curing AIDS will be freely provided more.

Fifth, improve the merit pay system for medical institutions at a grass roots level. Incentive mechanisms are encouraged to establish connections with position duties and working merits.

Sixth, promote the nationwide interconnection of the basic medical insurance systems and the settlement of the medical expenses in different places. About 70,000 resident doctors will be trained, of which 5,000 are pediatricians. The health information platform for population at all levels will be promoted to be established and interconnected.
