Mainland to promote cooperation with Taiwan

Updated: Mar 24,2016 8:35 PM     english.gov.cn


Premier Li stressed the “1992 Consensus” and peaceful development across the Taiwan Straits during a meeting with Vincent Siew, honorary chairman of Taiwan-based Cross-Straits Common Market Foundation, in Boao, Hainan province, on March 24.

Vincent Siew came to attend the Boao Forum for Asia annual conference.

Premier Li noted that the mainland’s policy on Taiwan is clear and consistent and will not be influenced by political changes in Taiwan.

“We will adhere to the 1992 Consensus as a political foundation to ensure peaceful development of cross-Straits relations. Based on the idea that ‘two sides across the Strait are one family’, we are willing to promote communication and cooperation in all sectors. We are willing to share the mainland’s development opportunities with Taiwan compatriots to complement each other’s advantages to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results,” the Premier said.

He also stressed that there will be no future for “Taiwan independence” and no one can sever the kinship shared by compatriots across the strait.

Premier Li noted that maintaining the common political foundation is the key to promote peaceful development of cross-Strait relations, which is at a crucial point now. Everything can be discussed on the basis of the “1992 Consensus”, which stresses the One China principle.

“We will continue to follow the road of peaceful development and jointly create a bright future, not the other way around.”

The mainland’s economic transformation and upgrading will provide major opportunities to Taiwan’s enterprises and create huge benefits for cross-Straits economic cooperation, said the Premier. Taiwan enterprises have their unique advantages and should seize the opportunity, he said.

The Premier hopes that macro policy dialogue can be enhanced during the peaceful development of cross-Straits relations, especially in industrial policy coordination and innovation. Platforms such as Summit for Entrepreneurs across the Taiwan Straits should be made full use of to promote a complementary cooperation mechanism and provide a new driving force for mutual benefit.

Premier Li stressed that the achievement of a peaceful relationship is shared and needs to be maintained by compatriots on both sides. People in the industrial and business fields are those who participate in and promote cross-Strait communication; they also benefit most from the process. Everybody should safeguard the political foundation for the peaceful development of cross-Strait relations and make efforts to deepen the economic cooperation.

Siew expressed that he expects to continue to promote cross-Straits economic cooperation and make contributions to national rejuvenation.

State Councilor Yang Jing also attended the meeting.
