Premier Li urges more efforts to implement policies

Updated: Mar 20,2016 3:35 PM     english.gov.cn

The State Council executive meeting on March 18 decided the major tasks for this year’s government work in nine areas. Premier Li Keqiang urged leaders from all departments to detail their work plans.

“Time and tide wait for no man, we have to seize time to implement all these policies,” Premier Li said. We know the world economy has many uncertainties and have to keep our heads clear and make sure this year’s major economic and social development goals will be achieved, he added.

The Premier said that the country can bear economic downward pressure by galvanizing the enthusiasm of both central and local governments since new growth engines develop quickly.

The Premier also said that China still has great potential in many areas such as new type of urbanization and agricultural modernization. He called on promoting reform to release the market vitality and common people’s creativity.

At a press conference on March 16, the Premier said the government plans to use two years of time to achieve the direct settlement of hospital expenses by retired elderly people in places away from their hometown. He urged all relevant government departments to make tremendous efforts.

When talking about the five major social insurance programs and housing provident fund, the Premier said the central government will give local governments great autonomy to make their own decisions of adjusting downward such contributions in keeping with their local conditions.

The Premier also called on all departments to make full preparations to prevent various risks and address complex situations. He urged to test the results of the reform and ensure a good start for the 13th Five-Year Plan period.
