Premier congratulates over christening of panda cubs in Toronto Zoo

Updated: Mar 8,2016 7:51 AM      Xinhua

Premier Li Keqiang on March 7 congratulated over the christening of the twin panda cubs born in the Toronto Zoo to Er Shun, one of the two giant pandas on loan from China since March 2013.

In a congratulatory letter, Premier Li said that Er Shun and Da Mao, the two giant pandas, arrived in Canada as a token of friendship from the Chinese people.

Er Shun gave birth to two baby pandas on the 45th anniversary of the establishment of full diplomatic relations between China and Canada, the Premier noted, describing it as a delightful coincidence, which presages well for the prospect of Sino-Canadian cooperation.

Observing that China and Canada have new opportunities presently for developing their relations, Premier Li said that China is willing to have closer exchange of high-level visits and deepen the all-around cooperation between the two countries so as to make China-Canada ties bear new fruits, which would benefit the two peoples.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who attended the christening ceremony, expressed his gratitude to his Chinese counterpart for the latter’s letter of congratulation.

The birth of the twin panda cubs, which coincided with the 45th anniversary of the establishment of full diplomatic relations between Canada and China, is a symbol of the friendship and cooperation between the Canadian and Chinese peoples, said Trudeau.

The Canadian government attaches great importance to the development of its relations with China and is willing to work together with China to enhance trade and economic cooperation and exchange more high-level visits between the two nations, said the Canadian leader.

The two cubs were conceived through artificial insemination using sperm from Da Mao as well as the frozen sperm from two giant pandas living in China.

Er Shun and Da Mao, sent to Canada as part of a 10-year breeding program, will remain at the Toronto Zoo until 2018 before being relocated to the Calgary Zoo for five years.
