Premier Li Keqiang speaks at National Day reception

Updated: Sep 30,2015 9:01 PM     english.gov.cn

[Photo/China News Service]

Premier Li Keqiang told a National Day reception on Sept 30 that 66 years after the founding of the People’s Republic of China the nation has witnessed tremendous development and people’s lives have been dramatically improved.

Premier Li was speaking at the Great Hall of the People and, after extending sincere greetings to the people, said that despite the sluggish world economy and downward economic pressure, China’s economy still operates within an appropriate range.

It’s not easy for the world’s second largest economy to maintain 7 percent growth and more efforts should be made to cope with the challenges and build a brighter future for the nation, he said.

More efforts should be made in expanding domestic demand, adjusting economic structures and strengthening the reform of innovation-driven development. Reform and opening up serve as the engine to promote development and China will actively take part in international cooperation, the Premier added.

More efforts will be made to increase jobs and people’s income, support the education of children from poor families, help people facing critical illnesses and back young people on their journey to entrepreneurship and innovation.

The Premier also stressed that rule of law is the cornerstone of a modern country.

In addition, he said China will stick to the “one nation, two systems” policies, supporting the peace and harmony of the Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions. China will also stick to the “peaceful reunification, one country two systems” policies, sharing common opportunities with compatriots across the Taiwan Strait.

Abiding by the principle of peaceful development and win-win cooperation, China is willing to explore common interests with other countries and work jointly with them to advance the peace and development of mankind.

Accompanied by joyful music, guests from home and abroad drank a toast to the 66th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, wishing prosperity to the country, good health and happiness to the Chinese people and the hope that friendship with people from other countries lasts forever.
