Premier Li Keqiang meets French Finance Minister Michel Sapin

Updated: Sep 18,2015 8:54 PM     english.gov.cn

Premier Li Keqiang on Sept 17 met French Finance Minister Michel Sapin, who came to China to attend the 3rd Sino-France High Level Economic and Financial Dialogue in Beijing.

Li said he reached many agreements in promoting cooperation with the French side during his recent visit to France. He said China is willing to step up the coordination of macro-economic policies with France and carry out more cooperation in nuclear power, finance and the development of a third market. Li said the fund set up by China and France to explore a third market is a breakthrough that will bring more openness and market vitality, benefiting all parties involved.

In a brief introduction of the Chinese economy, Li said the Chinese economy has deeply integrated with the world economy and its development will be always relying on reforms and opening-up. He said China’s policy to attract more overseas investment will not change and the government will open more sectors to foreign capital and make such investment more convenient. Li said China welcomes enterprises from across the globe to invest in China, especially in the emerging industries.

Sapin said the French side has attached great importance to Li’s proposal about jointly developing a third market with France and is willing to work out concrete policies with China in this respect. He said France thinks highly of the Chinese government’s economic policies and believes that the Chinese economy is able to maintain stability and contribute to the growth of the world economy.

The two sides also exchanged views on dealing with climate change and other issues.
