Premier asks govt departments to implement big data plan

Updated: Aug 20,2015 9:21 AM     english.gov.cn

Premier Li Keqiang asked different government departments to share their data and implement the big data action plan.

The Premier made the comments during an executive meeting on Aug 19 when government officials discussed a plan issued by the State Council to develop big data solutions.

“Government departments have set up more than 10 data platforms, but they are isolated from each other,” he said.

The Premier has previously stressed the importance of a big data strategy on numerous occasions, since the term “big data” was first mentioned in the annual government work report of March 2014.

During his visit to a data service company in Shandong in July last year, he asked government officials to set up a data platform across departments.

And, during a State Council executive meeting on June 17 this year, he reiterated the importance of sharing government information.

At the meeting on Aug 19, Premier Li encouraged the government departments to not only share the data among themselves, but also to share unclassified information, especially credit information of enterprises, with the public.

The Premier said that the government should support the big data industry while also regulating the development of the industry in order to guarantee information safety.

He requested that the government should crack down on those who misuse and abuse data and invade user privacy.
