Premier Li Keqiang: China to improve mutual trust with US

Updated: Apr 13,2015 8:22 PM     english.gov.cn

Premier Li Keqiang meets representative of the US president and US Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzke in Beijing on April 13.

Premier Li Keqiang said China-US ties have transcended bilateral relations with a global impact when meeting with US Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzke in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on April 13.

With President Xi Jinping scheduled to visit the US in September at the invitation of US President Barack Obama, China is willing to improve strategic mutual trust with the US, strengthen pragmatic cooperation, properly manage differences, tackle regional and international challenges in a concerted manner and push forward bilateral ties to greater development, Li said.

He added that trade and business play a major role in China-US relations.

The two economies are highly complementary and their potential for cooperation is huge, especially in infrastructure construction, energy, information and environment protection, said the Premier.

As China is advancing its urbanization plan, technology and management from the US have a big market in China, said Li.

By integrating US technology and experience with China’s equipment manufacturing industry, the two can also cooperate in exploring a third market and contribute to the balance of China-US trade, he said.

Li said he hopes the two sides will speed up talks on a bilateral investment treaty on the basis of pre-establishment national treatment and a negative list, reach a high-level and mutually-beneficial treaty as soon as possible and promote China-US cooperation.

He reaffirmed the Chinese government’s unwavering commitment to opening-up and to the rules of the World Trade Organization. China’s door will only open wider and its market will be more transparent and predictable.

China welcomes global enterprises to fairly compete in its market and the government will treat all enterprises equally and provide better intellectual property rights, said the Premier.

China hopes the US could lift the ban on exporting high technology to China and take effective measures to facilitate Chinese investors in the US, he said.

Pritzke said it was the first time the US had sent a trade delegation directed by the president, a significant move showing the US’s resolution to develop its trade with China.

The US is willing to cooperate with China on clean energy, energy conservation and environmental protection, she said.

She added that the US is open to business opportunities with China to explore a third market and welcomes Chinese investors to the US.

The US will push forward talks on the bilateral investment treaty with a constructive attitude to reach a list that could be accepted by both sides, she said.

Premier Li Keqiang meets representative of the US president and US Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzke in Beijing on April 13.
