‘Striking a balance’ between market freedom and supervision

Updated: Apr 2,2015 4:31 PM     english.gov.cn

The government should guarantee effective supervision on the market while it is giving the market more freedom by cutting down administrative approval power, said Premier Li Keqiang in an executive meeting of the State Council on April 1.

“Powers should not be held without good reason,” said the Premier when delivering the government work report for the year of 2015 on March 5, asking that authorities at all levels should streamline administration and delegate their administrative powers.

“E-commerce and delivery businesses are developing rapidly, which has brought great challenge as well as a great opportunity to the government,” he said in the executive meeting. “Nowadays, when new things keep emerging, the government should be careful with the power it holds every minute. It should strike a balance between letting go of administrative power and conducting effective supervision on the market.”
