6 policies concerning people’s lives this week

Updated: Oct 28,2017 7:00 AM     english.gov.cn

Amendments in administrative regulations

China decided to amend some of the items in 15 administrative laws as an effort to cut red tape and enhance service and supervision, according to a State Council decree signed by Premier Li Keqiang.

Twenty administrative permits have been cut, including temporary tour guide permits and permit for lightning protection organizations.

Thirty-five items in 15 regulations, concerning tour guide management and prevention of meteorological disasters, have been adjusted.

Details:>> State Council amends administrative laws

More medical institutions connected to national settlement network

Patients can settle their hospital accounts in more medical institutions away from where their healthcare insurance is registered, according to the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.

The number of hospitals for off-site settlement has grown to 7,443. And 89 percent of tertiary hospitals have been connected to the national settlement network. Over 80 percent of county-level regions have assigned at least one hospital that can provide off-site settlement service.

Price checks

The National Development and Reform Commission will conduct checks on the price of water, gas, heat supply and telecommunication services in cities across the country, in order to protect consumers’ legal rights.

The checks will last from Nov 1, 2017, to June 30, 2018.

Optimize entry and exit procedures

China will improve the entry and exit procedures in some of its local economic zones, to better serve foreigners and overseas Chinese in the country, according to a decision made by the Ministry of Public Security.

The preferential policies will be in place in the Fujian free trade zone, national independent innovation demonstration zones in the Pearl River Delta area, South Jiangsu province and Hangzhou city, and the new district in Changchun, according to the ministry.

High-level foreign talent, returning overseas Chinese, foreign students and foreigners who work in China long-term are allowed to apply for permanent residence permits based on recommendations from local governments, and market-oriented approaches.

Details: China to improve entry-exit services to attract professionals

Inspection on trademark infringement

China will launch a special inspection to crack down on trademark infringement in all aspects, according to a circular issued by the State Administration of Industry and Commerce.

The administration will cooperate with industrial associations and e-commerce platforms to investigate and hand out severe punishment for all actions relating to trademark infringement, such as registration of infringing trademarks, and production and sales of goods.

Infringement of well-known trademarks, geographic indications, foreign-related trademarks, and time-honored brands will be the focus of the inspection.

Standards for work safety in 13th Five-Year plan

The State Administration of Work Safety has issued a circular on the standards for work safety during the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20).

During the five-year period, China plans to develop 362 work safety standards, including 231 mandatory standards and 131 recommended standards.

The circular set the target for building complete standards systems in 12 industries, relating to coal mines, non-coal mines and hazardous chemicals.
