Seven policies to go into effect on Oct 1

Updated: Sep 29,2017 9:25 AM     english.gov.cn

Regulation on unlicensed businesses

Released by the State Council on Aug 23, the regulation detailed the investigation and punishment of unlicensed businesses and authorities’ supervision responsibilities.

It required business owners engaging in operations without first obtaining administrative approvals to receive penalties by government departments designated by laws, regulations or State Council decisions.

Those who sell agricultural products and daily living goods at designated places or providing services that do not require permits will not be regarded as doing unlicensed businesses.

Supervision over financing guarantee companies

Regulation on the supervision over financing guarantee companies will take effect, aimed at promoting inclusive financing while guarding against risks.

Establishing new financing guarantee companies should be approved by supervisory authorities, and the term “financing guarantee” should be included in company names.

In addition, its establishment should be in accordance with the Company Law and must meet certain conditions, such as the good reputation of shareholders and registered capital of no less than 20 million yuan ($3 million).

A financing guarantee system endorsed by the government will be enacted through cooperation among government, financial institutions and financing guarantee companies. More financing guarantee services will be encouraged for small and micro enterprises and agricultural businesses.

Amended regulation on environmental protection in construction projects

The revised regulation on environmental protection in construction projects will take effect, according to a circular released by the State Council on Aug 1.

In the revised regulation, approval for environmental protection in construction projects have been simplified with strengthened process and post supervision.

Enterprises should not be charged for the approval and filing of the environment impact assessment, the policy states.

Revised driver license exam regulation

The revised regulation on the driver license exam will take effect, according to a circular released by the Ministry of Public Security.

Drivers’ awareness of safety and reflection of real traffic situation will get more importance in the exam.

It will become easier for applicants to take the exam and get a driver license.

Four industrial standards for tourism

Four industrial standards for tourism industry will take effect on Oct 1, according to the National Tourism Administration.

The four standards cover the handling of complaints to tourism business operators, private inns, cultural themed hotels, and boutique hotels.

According to the standard, tourism business operators should set up a special department or arrange specific staff to handle complaints from customers.

Revised regulation on civil aviation operators

The revised regulation on civil aviation operators will ease restrictions on mobile electronic devices on airplanes, allowing airlines to evaluate the impact of mobile electronic devices and draft terms of use and management accordingly.

New catalog of restricted pesticides

The new catalog of restricted pesticides will take effect on Oct 1, according to the Ministry of Agriculture.

The pesticides listed in the catalog should have a label of “restricted for use” and detail the restrictions. If used for agricultural products, the safety dates should be marked.

In addition, 22 types of pesticides on the list should be sold through designated places.
