Weekly policies concerning people’s lives

Updated: Aug 26,2017 7:45 PM     english.gov.cn

Regulate unlicensed business operations

The State Council issued a circular and adopted regulations on investigating and punishing unlicensed business operations.

The rules, which will take effect on Oct 1, are aimed at safeguarding market order. According to the rules, selling agricultural and sideline products and daily necessities, and providing labor services that are allowed without receiving a permit at designated places will be not classified as unlicensed business.

Also, in accordance with laws, administrative regulations or the State Council’s decisions, it is not violation of the regulations for business activities that have been allowed to run without obtaining licenses or registration.

Details:>>China to strengthen efforts to regulate unlicensed business operations

Step up deleveraging at central SOEs

China will further reduce leverage at central State-owned enterprises, the State Council decided at an executive meeting chaired by Premier Li Keqiang on Aug 23.

It was stated at the meeting that the government will establish an alert line mechanism for debt ratios of different, overly leveraged sectors; develop multiple channels to reduce corporate debts; push forward debt-for-equity swaps in line with market rules and the law; investigate and punish SOEs with serious losses and negative influence, and keep the shift of growth engines with annual tasks in capacity cuts while achieving industrial upgrade and SOE deleveraging.

Details:>>China to step up deleveraging at central SOEs

Expand incentives for scientific researchers

At the State Council executive meeting on Aug 23, Premier Li received a briefing about incentives in place for scientific researchers and the reform of sci-tech projects funds management.

Next, measures will be rolled out to expand incentives concerning equities, options and dividends of sci-tech SOEs, and implement preferential policies on R&D and tax incentives for sci-tech enterprises. This is to further stimulate enthusiasm and creativity of sci-tech personnel.

Progress in trans-regional reimbursement of medical insurance

China has seen progress in promoting trans-provincial reimbursement of medical insurance nationwide. As of Aug 15, 5,843 medical institutions have connected to the national system for trans-provincial medical cost settlements.

After establishing files, insured patients can choose designated medical institutions from other provinces for treatment, and the cost will be reimbursed directly.

Encourage social work professionals for left-behind children care

The Ministry of Civil Affairs and four other authorities have issued a document to encourage social work professionals to help take care of the country’s left-behind children.

According to the document, professionals in relevant fields are encouraged to undertake tasks, including conducting home visits, surveys and evaluations, reporting cases or suspicions of domestic violence or other forms of child abuse, and offering psychological counseling for left-behind children in need.

Details:>>Professionals encouraged to care for left-behind children

Boost high-level educational talent flows

China will enhance orderly management of high-level educational talent flows, according to a document released by the Ministry of Education on Aug 22.

The document urged efforts to keep the appropriate talent flows and establish a talent flow mechanism.

It also encouraged universities, research institutions and enterprises to complement each other’s advantages in human resources, and inflows of talents to central and western regions and northern regions of China.

Insurance treatment adjustment for occupational injuries

China will adjust the insurance treatment level for occupational injuries, according to a circular issued by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security.

According to the document, disability allowance and pensions for bereaved families will be adjusted according to the current situation, such as average income of local staff members and living expenses.

More poverty-stricken students to receive student loans

An emergency notice to simplify procedures of identifying student loans was released by the China National Center for Student Financial Aid on Aug 22.

The educational authority and China Development Bank are asked to provide loans for eligible students as much as they can. There will be no upper limit of the number of students who can participate and loan size, to ensure that more poverty-stricken students in colleges and universities will receive the loans.

Investigation into associations violating rules of charging fees

The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) has carried out a special inspection on enterprise-related charges nationwide, which took industrial association charges as one of its priorities.

The NDRC will investigate and punish associations that charge fees without authorization, and reveal those with irregular charging behaviors.
