Seven issues this week that impact people’s lives

Updated: Jan 20,2017 11:13 AM     english.gov.cn

Employment promotion plan and help for the poor

The State Council executive meeting chaired by Premier Li Keqiang on Jan 18 passed an employment promotion plan for the 13th Five-Year Plan period. They also decided to continue efforts to ensure a basic living standard for people in poverty.

Promote private education

The State Council has released guidelines to promote private education while encouraging more social support for education.

The circular called for strengthened management, innovative mechanisms, improved support policies and an increase in the modernization of private school systems with the aim of having clearer management mechanisms and regulations.

Medical expenses payments linked to disease category

The National Development and Reform Commission, the National Health and Family Planning Commission and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security released a joint statement, determining the amount of expenses that can be charged when treating 320 diseases.

Under the regulations, hospitals in the second level and above will be able to choose which diseases they will treat according to the charge restrictions, while urban public hospitals in a pilot area must adopt the changes for at least 100 diseases by 2017.

Moves to relax household restrictions and registration channels

A meeting of directors of public security departments nationwide proposed implementing policies on migrant workers’ household registration in cities to help 13 million people settle down.

It also urged authorities to further relax household restrictions and registration channels.

Professional licenses cut

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security released plans to further reduce the number of professional licenses.

It will cut redundant industry access conditions, strengthen supervision, and improve the vocational identification laws and regulations.

Five-year plan on public social services

A joint statement released by three departments supports the establishment of a senior caring system, social welfare and services for the disabled.

It is aimed at further improving the social service infrastructures, improving facilities and providing convenient services and strong support by 2020.

Sub-standard infant dairy products

The China Food and Drug Administration released a circular, announcing that among the 237 batches of infant dairy product samples taken in December last year, five batches did not meet appropriate standards and have been recalled.
