Govt policy moves from the past week (Dec 18-24)

Updated: Dec 26,2016 5:15 PM     english.gov.cn

State Council executive meeting on Dec 21

The State Council executive meeting on Dec 21 passed a sanitation and health plan for the 13th Five-Year Plan period and major tasks in furthering medical reforms, decided to accelerate the construction of post-disaster water conservancy projects and improve urban drainage waterlogging systems, and approved the assessment results of the State Science and Technology Awards.

Open elderly care service market

According to the latest State Council circular, China will further reform the elderly care service industry, lower the entry threshold, improve elderly people’s living conditions in communities, and enhance the supply of comprehensive services.

Develop strategic emerging industries

The State Council issued a circular for the development of strategic emerging industries in the next five years.

Strategic emerging industries are expected to account for about 15 percent of China’s gross domestic product by 2020.

The circular names five pillar industries — information technology, high-end manufacturing, biology, green and low carbon, and digital creation — and each should have an annual turnover of 10 trillion yuan ($1.44 trillion).

It also plans to encourage more integration across sectors to create 1 million new jobs.

2016 Catalog of Investment Projects

The State Council released the Catalog of Investment Projects (2016) approved by the government.

The move includes canceling and delegating to lower levels 17 approval items. It is estimated that 90 percent of enterprise investment items that need government approval were cut after three revisions in 2013, 2014, and 2016.

Changes in annual enterprise income tax deductions

The State Administration of Taxation clarified the changes in paying the annual enterprise income tax.

According to the document, on-site personal accident insurance premiums for enterprise employees are tax deductible.

‘18+1’ categories of items not allowed in the mail

According to the revised regulation on prohibited items for mail delivery, “18+1” categories of items are included, bringing the number on the list from 58 to 188.

Meanwhile, other items prohibited by laws, administrative regulations, and provisions from the State Council and related ministries are also included.

Permit required for audio, video programs on WeChat, Weibo

The State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television recently released a circular, requiring WeChat, Weibo, and other social platforms to obtain a permit before offering audio or video programs.

Platforms should not provide content beyond the permit, according to the circular.

13th Five-Year Plan for power sector

According to the 13th Five-Year Plan for power development jointly issued by the National Development and Reform Commission and National Energy Administration, power consumption is slowing down as the economy enters a new norm.

With rising energy-saving awareness and operation of generation units deployed in the 12th Five-Year Plan, China will enter a stage with abundant power supply.

No plasma collection for minors and other special groups

The National Health and Family Planning Commission recently released a guideline to protect the rights of plasma donors.

Plasma stations are prohibited from collecting plasma from minors, pregnant women, and other special groups.

Transformation and upgrade of package industry

According to a guideline from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and Ministry of Commerce, annual revenue of the package industry will reach 2.5 trillion yuan by 2020, with more than 15 large enterprises and a group of listed companies and famous brands.
