Govt policy moves from the week (Dec 11-17)

Updated: Dec 19,2016 3:46 PM     english.gov.cn

Replace VAT rebates with flat rates

The State Council issued a circular to redistribute the value-added tax (VAT) revenue to local governments, as an effort to encourage both the central and local governments to participate in the tax reform.

According to the circular, the current VAT rebate rates, set since 1994, will be replaced by a flat quote, referring to the 2015 rates. It will no longer add or deduct the amount of rebates to regions that see an increase or decrease in VAT revenue.

Details: >> State Council to replace VAT rebates with flat quotes

Build demonstration zones on sustainable development

A plan was issued by the State Council to build demonstration zones nationwide in an effort to implement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

According to the circular, local governments should formulate their own plans on sustainable growth based on the 2030 Agenda, with enhanced efforts to clarify the technical road map in tackling major restrictions.

Meanwhile, the government should also support innovation on new technologies and products to form new industrial patterns at the higher end of the industrial chain.

Details: >> State Council issues plan to build demonstration zones on sustainable development

Further regulate investment projects

A regulation was issued by the State Council on approving and record filing of enterprises’ investment projects.

The move is aimed at better regulating investment projects, speeding up the transfer of government functions in investments and ensuring enterprises’ autonomy in making investments.

The investment projects affected by the new regulations are those in fixed assets made by enterprises in China.

Details: >> China to further regulate investment projects

Efforts for wetlands protection

The State Council issued a circular urging related ministries and local governments to protect and restore wetlands.

According to the circular, the total wetlands area across the nation should be at least 800 million mu (53.3 million hectares) by 2020, which will be classified into national, local, and common wetlands according to location, ecological function and biodiversity.

National parks, natural reserves, and special marine preservation zones should be established to strengthen protection.

Details: >> State Council steps up efforts for wetlands protection

Stricter supervision on campus safety

A guideline was released by the State Council education superintendence commission to regulate government supervision. Supervision items include schools’ safety precaution, traffic accident risk and school bullying.

Cut real estate registration fees

A circular was jointly released by the National Development and Reform Commission and Ministry of Finance to cut the fees of 16 kinds of real estate registration. Registration fees will be waived or halved according to different situations.

Regulation on nursing service contract

A regulation on service contracts at nursing homes was jointly issued by the Ministry of Civic Affairs and State Administration for Industry and Commerce, in order to improve nursing institutions’ service and protect contract parties’ legal rights.

Real name registration for live performers

The Ministry of Culture issued a regulation on internet live streaming. From Jan 1, 2017, live performers must register with real names and ID numbers and be double-checked by their companies.

Big projects in tourism

A guideline for tourism was jointly issued by the National Development and Reform Commission and National Tourism Administration on Dec 14. It encourages enterprises to start projects in eight fields, including construction of tourism infrastructure, innovation of tourism products, countryside travels and low-carbon tourism.

Supervision on market pricing during New Year and Spring Festival

A circular was issued by the National Development and Reform Commission to plan the supervision on market pricing during the New Year and Spring Festival period. It urges improving the service of the “12358” platform — a hotline to receive consumer complaints on improper market pricing, issue more effective alerts and emergency plans in order to maintain order in the market.

Cut emissions

The Ministry of Environmental Protection issued a circular that urges high-pollution industries, such as steel, thermal power and cement, to cut pollutant emissions. Those industries must meet the emission reduction target by the end of 2017.
