Govt policy moves from last week (Oct 23-29)

Updated: Oct 30,2016 9:19 AM     english.gov.cn

Plan to promote fitness and leisure industry

The State Council has issued a plan to develop the fitness and leisure industry. It wants to improve the fitness and leisure service system, cultivate market players, optimize industrial structure, strengthen construction of facilities, enhance research, development and manufacturing capacity, and improve the consumption environment.

Second pollution source survey

The government will launch a second national pollution source survey in 2017. From December 31, 2017, the survey will use data collected in 2017, and take enterprises, institutions, and self-employment ventures inside China with pollution sources as objects.

Plan to promote rehabilitation and assistive products industry

The State Council issued a plan to develop the rehabilitation and assistive products industry. The plan put forward five measures, including providing tax benefits, enhancing the financial services of enterprises, strengthening guidance of finance funds, improving the consumption environment, and cultivating personnel for the industry.

Efforts to improve maternity care

The National Health and Family Planning Commission, together with four other ministries, jointly issued a document to provide medical and health services during a woman’s pregnancy.

Traditional medicine treatment, drug therapy, routine operation, and assisted reproductive technology service will be provided to help couples suffering infertility.

Enhanced support for universities’ basic research

The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Education decided to enhance the management of basic research funds in universities directly under government departments.

The funds should be used to support independent, basic and interdisciplinary researches of young teachers, excellent students and innovative teams.

Cosmetics tax cut

The State Administration of Taxation issued a document to regulate the consumption taxation of cosmetics. From October 1, the tax rate of top grade cosmetics will be reduced from 30 percent to 15 percent, and taxes on the ordinary ones will no longer be levied.

China promotes industrial upgrading

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology published 18 key tasks for industrial upgrading. By inviting a third party, adopting bidding and tendering, and publicizing results, related projects will be processed with increased transparency and less administrative intervention.

Simplified administrative procedure for medical instruments

The Food and Drug Administration issued a document, deciding to prioritize several medical instruments for administrative approval. For instruments granted with priority, simplified approval procedures will help them enter the market soon for clinical use.

Government debts in the name of PPP model prohibited

The Ministry of Finance issued a document calling on strengthened local regulations on public-private partnership (PPP) projects. It strictly prohibited the behavior of borrowing government debts under the PPP model.

Key development tasks for general aviation industry

The National Development and Reform Commission released key tasks for the development of the general aviation industry. The tasks involved many aspects such as market cultivation, airport construction, industrial transformation, further opening of airspace, and safety supervision.
