State Council’s policies in the past week

Updated: Aug 15,2016 2:09 PM     english.gov.cn

State Council asks for better response to public opinions

The General Office of the State Council issued a circular to ask for regions and departments to clarify procedures in responding to public concerns about government affairs, understanding related norms, improving efficiency, enhancing supervision and training, and establishing incentives and restricted response mechanisms.

Details>>Chinese government calls for effective response to public

State Council releases national scientific and technological innovation plan

The State Council released a plan to highlight the key leading role of scientific and technological innovation in lifting industries to medium- and high-end levels, developing new growth drivers, expanding new development space, and improving development quality and efficiency. As a blueprint for technological innovation development during the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-2020) period, the plan calls for a balanced layout of current and long-term strategies, cultivation of strategic innovation forces, coordination of domestic and international innovative growth, and building a good environment for innovation and entrepreneurship.

Details>> China to boost scientific and technological innovation

State Council approves key development area in Pingxiang, Guangxi

The State Council stressed as a bridgehead for China’s opening-up cooperation with Vietnam and other ASEAN countries, Pingxiang should boost infrastructure connectivity, promote transformation and upgrading of trade and investment, and develop advantageous industries. Efforts should be made to build the area as an essential cooperation platform for China and Vietnam, a frontier zone for upgrading the China-ASEAN Free Trade Area (CAFTA), and a growth point for economic development of border areas in the southwest regions.

Details>>Key border development area approved in Guangxi

Ministries issue new ID card regulation

The Ministry of Public Security and seven other ministries released a regulation on ID card management, stating that residents should legally use their ID cards, register fingerprints to avoid fraudulent usage, and apply for ID cards with registered fingerprints; state organs and related personnel are not allowed to print or scan residents’ ID cards without permission, and should not withhold or use ID cards as assurance.

Ministries release document to cut 20 identity confirmation items

The Ministry of Public Security, the National Development and Reform Commission and 10 other departments issued a document to cancel 20 redundant identity confirmation items, such as names, gender, and address changes, and nine conditions still requiring ID certificates. The document will become effective on Sept 1.

Details>>China eliminates more redundant certificates, procedures

All poor villages to meet sanitation standards by 2020

The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and several other departments issued a circular to improve sanitation standards in poor villages. According to the circular, by the end of 2020, health hazards should be eliminated to reduce the risk of related diseases. Water security, separate living space between people and livestock, sanitary toilets, and household waste processing should meet standards.

Ministries issue measures to reduce patent application fees

The Ministry of Finance and the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) jointly issued measures to reduce patent application fees. According to the measures, patent applicants or owners can apply for lower fees for application, qualification review and re-examination and annual fees. Qualified individuals and enterprises, institutions, social groups and non-profit research organizations can also apply for lower patent fees to the State Intellectual Property Office. The measures will take effect on Sept 1, which are expected to save enterprises 4.1 billion yuan ($615 million) annually.

Guidance released to enhance enterprise competitiveness

On Aug 11, eleven ministries, including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, NDRC and the Ministry of Finance issued a guidance to encourage enterprises to improve their management and innovation efficiency and increase their competitiveness through reducing costs, adopting innovative production and operation models, and employing effective quality management methods.

Ministries issue plan to promote ‘Internet Plus Transport’

NDRC and the Ministry of Transport have jointly released an implementation plan to promote the development of intelligent transportation, which explicitly states that by 2018, the public will be able to access transport information via mobile internet terminals in a timely manner, and the transport infrastructure, vehicles and operation information will be networked. The plan also puts forward specific measures to promote the integrated development of transport and internet enterprises, and R&D and application of smart transportation technologies.

Comprehensive transport network to cover poor areas

The Ministry of Transport issued a plan to boost poverty alleviation with more transport infrastructure. The plan is aimed at building a comprehensive transportation network covering all poor areas by 2020.

Figures from the week


Total retail sales of consumer goods reached 2.7 trillion yuan ($405 billion) in July, up 10.2 percent year on year. Of the total, retail sales of consumer goods of units above designated size was 1.18 trillion yuan ($177 billion), increasing 7.3 percent. In the first seven months of this year, retail sales of consumer goods rose 10.3 percent year on year, to 18.3 trillion yuan ($2.75 trillion).


The national consumer price index (CPI) went up by 1.8 percent year on year in July, declining 0.1 percent on a monthly basis. Urban and rural CPIs grew 1.8 percent and 1.5 percent, respectively.

4.67 million

Work began on 4.67 million new homes in former shantytowns during the January-July period, accounting for 78 percent of this year’s target of 6 million homes. The basic construction task has been completed, with an input of 821.1 billion yuan ($124.4 billion).
