Policies released by govt to cut red tape this year

Updated: Aug 3,2016 3:45 PM     english.gov.cn

Many policies and measures have been rolled out this year by the State Council on simplifying administrations and delegating powers, one of the major goals of Premier Li Keqiang.

Premier Li said at a teleconference on May 9 that the government should speed up the transform of government functions, and promote administrative streamlining.

Premier Li Keqiang inspects the citizens’ service center in Shiyan city of Hubei province, May 23, 2016. He said that streamlining administration and delegating power to lower-level governments is about transferring certain government profits to the market, and government departments that work at the service center should substantially transform their functions, providing more convenience for residents and enterprises.

“Government should make entrepreneurs, employers and the re-employed persons to feel safe, and do not let them worry about certificates when employed.”

-- Premier’s quote on removing vocational qualifications

On Jan 20

The State Council issued a document announcing 61 vocational qualifications and certifications to be removed, including the qualifications for vehicle sellers, barista and certified business human resource strategist.

On June 13

The State Council cancelled the requirements for approval and verification of 47 vocational qualifications, including the licenses for price assessor, property manager, metrological verifier, as well as flower arranger.

In total, 319 approvals were cancelled by the State Council.

“Government should completely cancel the approval items, and release powers to the market.”

-- Premier’s quote on cancelling approval items

On Feb 19

The State Council abolished the second batch of 152 administrative approval items that the central authority had designated to local governments.

The cancelled items include registration of outdoor advertisements, approvals of preferential tax cut for micro and small enterprises and investment tax benefits for entrepreneurship enterprises.

By then, the government had completed the tasks to cancel more than 200 approval items promised in the 2015 Government Work Report.

“The laws and regulations that have been abolished in the old documents will not be effective.”

-- Premier’s quote on outdated documents

On June 15

An executive meeting of the State Council chaired by Premier Li announced cancellation of 506 documents issued by the cabinet, following the previous cancellation of 489 such documents.

Some of the documents are in violation of laws or lack legal basis, while others are outdated or may stifle economic growth.

“Deepening the business registration reform is line with people’s expectation of entrepreneurship and it also brings benefits to the people, enterprises and the country.”

-- Premier’s quote on business registration reform

On July 5

The State Council decided to implement the “five-in-one business license”, which in other words means issuing of a standardized national credit number, covering business license, tax registration, organization code, public security and social security to reduce administrative approvals for start-ups.

“Combine the innovation spirit, entrepreneur spirit and craftsmanship spirit together to solve the first and last problem before the start of construction projects.”

-- Premier’s quote on approvals for investment projects

On May 26

The State Council released a plan to clean up and regulate administrative items for investment project approvals.

The plan cut 23 approval items, decreased more than 35 percent, and integrated several items.

“As long as the reasonable investment could spur social investment vigor, we should try to give them access.”

-- Premier’s quote on public-private partnerships

On July 7

A State Council executive meeting chaired by Premier Li decided to expand public-private partnership (PPP) model, relax market access in the public service and infrastructure construction sectors, simplify approval procedures and treat all the private capital same.

“Government should do what they should do, and release what they should release to create a fair environment for market competition.”

-- Premier’s quote on fair market competition

On June 14

The State Council issued a guideline for building up a censorship mechanism for fair competition in the market system.

Policy-making organizations will carry out censorship mechanism according to the 18 standards, including market access and exit, free flow of goods and products and standards that affect production and management costs.

On June 23

The State Council issued a notice to streamline and regulate earnest payments in engineering and construction sectors to reduce the burden on enterprises and stimulate the vitality of the market.

“Greatly promote ‘Internet Plus administrative services’ to achieve the data sharing between government departments and provide convenience for the people and enterprises.”

-- Premier’s quote on Internet Plus administrative services

On March 5

Internet Plus administrative services was first mentioned as a new word in the Premier’s Government Work Report.

On April 14

The State Council issued a circular regarding tests for further promotion of “Internet Plus administrative services” to benefit people through information sharing among government departments.
