New opportunity for revitalizing revolutionary bases

Updated: Jun 30,2016 1:49 PM     english.gov.cn

With the introduction of a series of support measures for revolutionary bases across Sichuan and Shaanxi provinces, these regions will usher in a new opportunity for accelerating their revitalization and development, experts said after the State Council executive meeting on June 29.

The meeting unveiled some targeted policies to promote economic development in revolutionary bases in Sichuan and Shaanxi.

The meeting stressed that revolutionary bases must pursue development as a priority. Infrastructure construction, including utilities and transportation, should be accelerated. New materials, high-end equipment manufacturing and tourism industries should be actively developed. And the more developed eastern provinces are urged to provide enhanced assistance.

Zhang Zhanbin, professor at the Chinese Academy of Governance, said the measures adopted at the meeting not only reflected enhanced policy support and assistance, but also stressed these areas’ own work in poverty alleviation and economic development.

He Lifeng, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that China has over 800 impoverished counties with more than 55 million people affected, and most of them are distributed around old revolutionary bases. Poverty relief in those areas is the key and difficulty of national poverty alleviation work, He added.

People in the old revolutionary bases once made great sacrifices and contributions to the Chinese revolution and socialist construction. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the CPC Central Committee and the State Council have made comprehensive deployments concerning poverty alleviation, infrastructure development and construction in these areas.

Adopting special supportive policies to accelerate the revitalization and development of old revolutionary base areas across the provinces of Sichuan and Shaanxi is all part of promoting development of China’s western regions, bridging regional gaps, expanding domestic demand and adjusting economic structure, according to the meeting.
